Comparative study of catheter-mediated gene transfer into heart
目的探讨经自制针型导管心肌内注射(简称心肌注射法)、经冠状动脉灌注(简称冠脉灌注法)及经心房穿刺心包(简称心包注射法)等三种方法导基因入心脏的可行性及利与弊.方法选成年杂交犬15只,将含有同等剂量(1×109/ml pfu)携带有细菌LacZ基因的重组腺病毒载体(Adex1SRLacZ),经上述三种方法导基因入心脏.术后5天处死动物,细织化学法分析Lac Z基因在心包及心肌中的表达.结果 (1)冠脉灌注法导基因入心脏后,LacZ基因在心肌中呈点或小片状表达;心肌注射法导基因入心脏后,LacZ基因沿注射轨迹成块或片状表达;心包注射法导基因入心包后,犬心包脏层、壁层及脏层下心肌均可见散在的LacZ基因表达,而使用同样方法注射对照腺病毒Adex lw 入犬心肌及心包均未见LacZ基因表达.(2)心肌注射法导基因入心脏的同时,心肌中可见明显的炎性细胞浸润,而冠脉灌注法及心包注射法导基因入心脏后则未见炎性细胞浸润.(3) 冠脉灌注法导基因入心脏的同时,肝脏细织中检测有散在的LacZ基因表达,而心肌注射法及心包注射法则不然.结论心肌注射法、冠脉灌注法及心包注射法是导基因入心脏的可行性方法,各有利弊,应用时可根据研究目的合理选用.
更多Objective To investigate the feasibility and features of 3 catheter-mediated approaches of gene transfer into heart, including direct myocardial injection (DMI), coronary artery perfusion (CAP), and intrapericardial cavity injection (ICI). Methods Fifteen dogs were used, and 0.3ml (1×109 pfu) of an adenovirus (Adex1SR LacZ) was injected into the heart by 3 methods. The dogs were killed 5 days following injection, and gene expressions in heart and liver were evaluated by histochemical analysis. Conclusion Three catheter-mediated methods of gene transfer into the heart may be used and a reasonable approach should be chosen according to purpose.
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