摘要To the Editor:Reduced vision impacts not only the individual but also the family,community,and public health.It leads to a significant economic burden,including increased education cost,reduced personal income,and loss of productivity for caregivers,and numerous intangible consequences,such as loss of independence,reduced quality of life,and excess morbidity for individuals.An estimated 19 million of the world's children are visually impaired,while 1.4 million are blind,according to the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria.Therefore,the control of visual impairment or blindness (VI/BL) in children is still one of the priority areas of the WHO's "Vision 2020:the Right to Sight" program.
作者单位Department of Preventative Ophthalmology, Shanghai Eye Disease Prevention and Treatment Center, Shanghai 200040, China;Department of Ophthalmology, Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200080, China[1]Department of Preventative Ophthalmology, Shanghai Eye Disease Prevention and Treatment Center, Shanghai 200040, China[2]Department of Health Service, Shanghai Blind and Low Vision Children School, Shanghai 200336, China[3]
This study was supported by grants from Shanghai Health and Family Planning Commission Youth Projectthe National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.81400388).We would like to thank the technical support of all the team members in the Department of Information Management,Shanghai Disabled Persons' Federation