摘要To the Editor:A 73-year-old man presented with erythemas on his trunk and limbs with significant itching,which he had experienced for 11 months [Figure 1A and 1B].Histological examination of his skin biopsy revealed sub-epidermal blister formation with eosinophilic and lymphocytic infiltration in the dermis.Direct immunofluorescence revealed the presence of a linear deposition along the basement membrane zone (BMZ).Indirect immunofluorescence revealed that the patient's serum was positive (titer >1:320) for anti-BMZ antibodies.Anti-BP180 antibody was 102U/mL.Based on these findings,a diagnosis of bullous pemphigoid (BP) was established.
作者单位Department of Dermatology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100730, China;Department of Dermatology, Shunyi Maternal and Children's Hospital of Beijing Children's Hospital, Beijing 101300, China[1]Department of Dermatology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100730, China[2]Department of Neurology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Peking Union Medical College and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100730, China[3]
This study was supported by grants from the Milstein Medical Asian American Partnership Foundationthe National Natural Science Foundation of Chinathe Education Reform Projects of Peking Union Medical College