DelCampo,M. [1]
Mollenhauer,B. [2]
Bertolotto,A. [3]
Engelborghs,S. [4]
Hampel,H. [5]
Simonsen,A.H. [6]
Kapaki,E. [7]
Kruse,N. [8]
LeBastard,N. [9]
Lehmann,S. [10]
Molinuevo,J.L. [11]
Parnetti,L. [12]
Perret-Liaudet,A. [13]
Sáez-Valero,J. [14]
Saka,E. [15]
Urbani,A. [16]
Vanmechelen,E. [17]
Verbeek,M. [18]
Visser,P.J. [19]
Teunissen,C. [20]
IRCCS-Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy
Department of Psychiatry, University of Frankfurt, Germany
Department of Neurology, National and Kapodistrain Univeristy of Athens, Eginition Hospital, Athens
Neurological Laboratory, Clinical Chemistry Department, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam
Paracelsus-Elena-Klinik, Department of Neuropathology, University Medical Center, Goettingen
CMRR, Gériatrie, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Université Lyon 1, Lyon, France
Hacettepe University Hospitals, Department of Neurology, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Clinical Chemistry, Neurology Laboratory, VU University Medical Center (VUmc), De
Alzheimer Center, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Reference Center for Biological Markers of Dementia (BIODEM), Institute Born-Bunge, University of
Reference Center for Biological Markars of Dementia (BIODEM), Institute Born-Bunge, University of
Memory Disorders Research Group, Department of Neurology, Copenhagen University Hospital, 2100
Biochimie-Protéomique Clinique - IRB - CCBHM, INSERM U1040, University of Montpellier, Montpellier
Alzheimers Disease and Other Cognitive Disorders Unit, Neurology Service, Hospital Clinic
ADx Neurosciences, Ghent, Belgium
Department of Neuropathology, University Medical Center, Goettingen, Germany
Departments of Neurology, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Section of Neurology, Centre for Memory Disturbances, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
Neurologia 2 - CRESM (Centro Riferimento Regionale Sclerosi Multipla) Azienda Ospedaliera
Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante, Universidad Miguel Hernández-CSIC, Centro de Investigación