Quintin, J. [1]
Saeed, S. [2]
Martens, J. H. A. [3]
Giamarellos-Bourboulis, E. J. [4]
Ifrim, D. C. [5]
Logie, C. [6]
Jacobs, L. [7]
Jansen, T. ;
Kullberg, B. J. ;
Wijmenga, C. ;
Joosten, L. A. B. ;
Xavier, R. J. ;
Meer, J. W. M. van der ;
Stunnenberg, H. G. ;
Netea, M. G.
4th Department of Internal Medicine, University of Athens, Medical School, 12462 Athens, Greece
Department of Genetics, University Medical Center Groningen and University of Groningen, 9713 EX Groningen, The Netherlands
Department of Medicine and Nijmegen Institute for Infection, Inflammation and Immunity (N4i), Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, 6525 GA Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Center for Sepsis Control and Care, Jena University Hospital, 07747 Jena, Germany
Center for Computational and Integrative Biology and Gastrointestinal Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard School of Medicine, Boston, MA 02114, USA
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA
Department of Molecular Biology, Faculties of Science and Medicine, Nijmegen Centre for Molecular Life Sciences, Radboud University, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands