TAR syndrome: Clinical and molecular characterization of a cohort of 26 patients and description of novel noncoding variants of RBM8A RBM8A
Boussion Simon [1]
Escande Fabienne [2]
Jourdain Anne‐Sophie [3]
Smol Thomas [4]
Brunelle Perrine [5]
Duhamel Céline [6]
Alembik Yves [7]
Attié‐Bitach Tania [8]
Baujat Geneviève [9]
Bazin Anne [10]
Bonnière Maryse [11]
Carassou Philippe [12]
Carles Dominique [13]
Devisme Louise [14]
Goizet Cyril [15]
Goldenberg Alice [16]
Grotto Sarah [17]
Guichet Agnès [18]
Jouk Pierre‐Simon ;
Loeuillet Laurence ;
Mechler Charlotte ;
Michot Caroline ;
Pelluard Fanny ;
Putoux Audrey ;
Whalen Sandra ;
Ghoumid Jamal ;
Manouvrier‐Hanu Sylvie ;
Petit Florence
Anatomo‐Pathology DepartmentCHU BordeauxBordeaux,France
Clinical Genetics Department, Reference Center for Developmental AnomaliesCHU LilleLille,France
Medical Genetics Department, CHU Bordeaux, MRGM Laboratory, INSERMBordeaux UniversityBordeaux,France
EA7364‐RADEMELille UniversityLille,France
Clinical Genetics Department, Necker–Enfants Malades Hospital, AP‐HP, INSERM UMRIMAGINE
Foetopathology Department, Robert Debré HospitalAP‐HPParis,France
Genetics DepartmentHospices Civils de LyonLyon,France
Hematology DepartmentCHR Metz‐ThionvilleMetz,France
Genetics Department, Reference Center for Developmental AnomaliesCHU RouenRouen,France
Genetics DepartmentCHU AngersAngers,France
Clinical Genetics, Reference Center for Developmental Anomalies, Armand Trousseau HospitalAP
Histology, Embryology and Cytogenetics Department, Necker‐Enfants Malades HospitalAP‐HPParis,France
Genetics DepartmentCHU Grenoble‐AlpesGrenoble,France
INSERM U1053‐UMR BaRITOn,?Foetopathology Department, Pellegrin HospitalCHU BordeauxBordeaux,France
Antenatal Diagnosis DepartmentRené Dubois HospitalPontoise,France
Medical Genetics DepartmentCHU StrasbourgStrasbourg,France
Genetics Department, Robert Debré HospitalAP‐HPParis,France
Anatomo‐Cytopathology Department, Cochin HospitalAP‐HPParis,France
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Human mutation
Human mutation
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