Sachanas,S. [1]
Levidou,G. [2]
Angelopoulou,M.K. [3]
Moschogiannis,M. [4]
Yiakoumis,X. [5]
Kalpadakis,C. [6]
Vassilakopoulos,T.P. [7]
Kontopidou,F. [8]
Tsirkinidis,P. [9]
Dimitrakopoulou,A. ;
Kokoris,S. ;
Dimitriadou,E. ;
Kyrtsonis,M.-C. ;
Panayiotidis,P. ;
Papadaki,H. ;
Patsouris,E. ;
Korkolopoulou,P. ;
First Department of Propedeutic Medicine, University of Athens, Greece
First Department of Pathology, Kapodistrian University of Athens, Laiko General Hospital, Athens
Athens Medical Center-Psychikon Branch, Andersen 1, 11525, Athens, Greece, Department of Hematology
Second Department of Internal Medicine, University of Athens, Greece
Athens Medical Center-Psychikon Branch, Andersen 1, 11525, Athens, Greece
Hematology Laboratory, Attikon University Hospital of Athens, Greece
Department of Hematology, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
Department of Hematology, University of Athens, Greece
Immunology Laboratory, Laikon Hospital of Athens, Greece