Continental mapping of forest ecosystem functions reveals a high but unrealised potential for forest multifunctionality
Plas Fons [1]
Ratcliffe Sophia [2]
Ruiz‐Benito Paloma [3]
Scherer‐Lorenzen Michael [4]
Verheyen Kris [5]
Wirth Christian [6]
Zavala Miguel A. [7]
Ampoorter Evy [8]
Baeten Lander [9]
Barbaro Luc [10]
Bastias Cristina C. [11]
Bauhus Jürgen [12]
Benavides Raquel [13]
Benneter Adam [14]
Bonal Damien [15]
Bouriaud Olivier [16]
Bruelheide Helge [17]
Bussotti Filippo [18]
Carnol Monique [19]
Castagneyrol Bastien [20]
Charbonnier Yohan [21]
Cornelissen Johannes H. C. [22]
Dahlgren Jonas [23]
Checko Ewa [24]
Coppi Andrea [25]
Dawud Seid Muhie [26]
Deconchat Marc [27]
De Smedt Pallieter [28]
De Wandeler Hans [29]
Domisch Timo [30]
Finér Leena [31]
Fotelli Mariangela [32]
Gessler Arthur [33]
Granier André [34]
Grossiord Charlotte [35]
Guyot Virginie [36]
Haase Josephine [37]
H?ttenschwiler Stephan [38]
Jactel Hervé ;
Jaroszewicz Bogdan ;
Joly Fran?ois‐Xavier ;
Jucker Tommaso ;
Kambach Stephan ;
Kaendler Gerald ;
Kattge Jens ;
Koricheva Julia ;
Kunstler Georges ;
Lehtonen Aleksi ;
Liebergesell Mario ;
Manning Peter ;
Milligan Harriet ;
Müller Sandra ;
Muys Bart ;
Nguyen Diem ;
Nock Charles ;
Ohse Bettina ;
Paquette Alain ;
Pe?uelas Josep ;
Pollastrini Martina ;
Radoglou Kalliopi ;
Raulund‐Rasmussen Karsten ;
Roger Fabian ;
Seidl Rupert ;
Selvi Federico ;
Stenlid Jan ;
Valladares Fernando ;
Keer Johan ;
Vesterdal Lars ;
Fischer Markus ;
Gamfeldt Lars ;
Allan Eric ;
Storch David
Forest & Nature LabGeraardsbergsesteenweg 267,B‐9090,Melle‐Gontrode,Belgium
School of Biological SciencesRoyal Holloway University of LondonEgham,Surrey,TW20 0EX,UK
Forest Research Institute Baden‐WurttembergWonnhaldestrase 4,79100,Freiburg,Germany
Forest Research Institute of Thessaloniki57006,Vassilika,Thessaloniki,Greece
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)Yliopistokatu 6,FI‐80100,Joensuu,Finland
Institute of Biology/Geobotany and Botanical GardenMartin Luther University Halle‐WittenbergAm Kirchtor, 1,06108,Halle (Saale),Germany
CREAFCerdanyola del Vallès,08913,Catalonia,Spain
Biological and Environmental SciencesUniversity of StirlingFK9 4LA,Stirling,UK
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Irstea, UR EMGR, Centre de Grenoble2 rue de la Papeterie‐BP 76,F‐38402,Saint‐Martin‐d'Hères,France
Centre for Forest Research (CFR)Université du Québec à MontréalMontréal,Québec,Canada
Laboratory of Plant and Microbial EcologyBotany B22, Chemin de la Vallee 4,4000,Liege,Belgium
Faculty of Biology, GeobotanyUniversity of FreiburgSch?nzlestr. 1,79104,Freiburg,Germany
Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource ManagementUniversity of CopenhagenRolighedsvej 23,1958,Frederiksberg C,Denmark
Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH)Pantazidou 193,68200,Nea Orestiada,Greece
Earth and Environmental Sciences DivisionLos Alamos National LaboratoryLos Alamos,NM,87545,USA
Department of Marine SciencesUniversity of GothenburgCarl Skottsbergs gata 22B,41319,G?teborg,Sweden
Bormstraat 204 bus 31880,Kapelle‐op‐den‐Bos,Belgium
MNCN‐CSIC, Serrano115 bis 28006,Madrid,Spain
Institute of Plant SciencesUniversity of BernAltenbergrain 21,3013,Bern,Switzerland
Grupo de Ecología y Restauración ForestalUniversidad de Alcalá28805,Alcalá de Henares,Madrid,Spain
Department of BiologyUniversity of FirenzeVia G. La Pira 4,50121,Firenze,Italy
Department of Forest Mycology and Plant PathologySwedish University of Agricultural SciencesPO Box?7026,SE‐750 07,Uppsala,Sweden
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)Jokiniemenkuja 1,FI‐01370,Vantaa,Finland
Faculty of ForestryStefan cel Mare University of SuceavaUniversitatii Street 13,Suceava,720229,Romania
Forest Ecology and ConservationDepartment of Plant SciencesDowning Street,Cambridge,CB2 3EA,UK
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences90183,Ume?,Sweden
Bialowieza Geobotanical StationUniversity of Warsaw17‐230,Bia?owie?a,Poland
Department of Systematic Botany and Functional BiodiversityUniversity of LeipzigJohannisallee 21‐23,04103,Leipzig,Germany
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle‐Jena‐LeipzigDeutscher Platz 5E,04103,Leipzig,Germany
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)Vienna,Austria
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL111, 8903,Birmensdorf,Switzerland
Department of Agrifood Production and Environmental SciencesLaboratory of Applied and Environmental BotanyP.le Cascine 28,50144,Firenze,Italy
Centre of Evolutionary and Functional Ecology (CEFE UMR 5175, CNRS – University of Montpellier – University Paul‐Valery Montpellier – EPHE)1919 route de Mende,34293,Montpellier,France
Faculty of Environment and Natural ResourcesUniversity of Freiburg79085,Freiburg,Germany
Systems EcologyVrije Universiteit AmsterdamDe Boelelaan 1085,1081 HV,Amsterdam,The Netherlands
Department of Earth and Environmental SciencesKU LeuvenCelestijnenlaan 200E Box?2411,BE‐3001,Leuven,Belgium
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