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Final Analysis of the Front-Line Phase III Randomized ACT-1 Trial in Younger Patients with Systemic Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma Treated with CHOP Chemotherapy with or without Alemtuzumab and Consolidated By Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant

作者单位: Univ Wurzburg, Inst Pathol, Wurzburg, Germany [1] ZNA Stuivenberg, Dept Hematol, Antwerp, Belgium [2] Heilig Hartziekenhuis Roeselare Menen, Dept Hematol, Roselare, Belgium [3] Skane Univ Hosp, Dept Oncol, Lund, Sweden [4] Meander Med Ctr, Dept Internal Med, Amersfoort, Netherlands [5] Univ Leipzig, Inst Med Informat Stat & Epidemiol, Leipzig, Germany [6] Inst Portugues Oncol Lisboa, Dept Pathol, Lisbon, Portugal [7] Univ Med Ctr Groningen, Dept Pathol & Med Biol, Groningen, Netherlands [8] Helsinki Univ Hosp, Helsinki, Finland [9] Charite, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, Germany [10] Clin Univ St Luc, Dept Hematol, Brussels, Belgium [11] Maastricht Univ, Dept Hematol, Med Ctr, Maastricht, Netherlands [12] Univ Groningen, Univ Med Ctr Groningen, Dept Hematol, Groningen, Netherlands [13] Univ Hosp Olomouc, Dept Hematooncol, Olomouc, Czech Republic [14] British Columbia Canc Agcy, Ctr Lymphoid Canc, Vancouver, BC, Canada [15] Herlev Hosp, Dept Pathol, Herlev, Denmark [16] BC Canc, Ctr Lymphoid Canc, Vancouver, BC, Canada [17] Oslo Univ Hosp, Dept Oncol, Oslo, Norway [18] Hosp St Louis, Inst Hematol, Paris, France [19] City Hope Comprehens Canc Ctr, Dept Pathol, Duarte, CA USA [20] Maria Sklodowska Curie Mem Canc Ctr, Dept Pathol, Warsaw, Poland [21] Univ Med Gottingen, Clin Hematol & Med Oncol, Gottingen, Germany [22] Univ Hosp Kralovske Vinohrady, Dept Clin Hematol, Prague, Czech Republic [23] Univ Nebraska Med Ctr, Dept Pathol, Omaha, NE USA [24] Univ Hosp Plzen, Sikls Inst Pathol, Plzen, Czech Republic [25] Maria Sklodowska Curie Inst, Dept Lymphoid Malignancy, Ctr Oncol, Warsaw, Poland [26] Karolinska Inst, Huddinge Univ Hosp, Stockholm, Sweden [27] Georg August Univ, Gottingen, Germany [28] Aalborg Univ Hosp, Dept Hematol, Aalborg, Denmark [29] Univ Med Ctr Rotterdam, Erasmus MC, Dept Hematol, Rotterdam, Netherlands [30] Wilhelminenspital Stadt Wien, Dept Pathol & Microbiol, Vienna, Austria [31] Herlev Univ Hosp, Dept Hematol, Herlev, Denmark [32] Inst Portugues Oncol Lisboa, Hematol Serv, Lisbon, Portugal [33] British Columbia Canc Agcy, Lymphoid Canc Res, Vancouver, BC, Canada [34] Odense Univ Hosp, Dept Hematol, Odense, Denmark [35] British Columbia Canc Res Ctr, Ctr Lymphoid Canc, Vancouver, BC, Canada [36] Rigshosp, Dept Hematol, Copenhagen, Denmark [37] Univ Hlth Network, Toronto, ON, Canada [38] Univ Oslo, Dept Informat, Oslo, Norway [39] Acad Hosp St Jan, Dept Hematol, Brugge, Belgium [40] Vrije Univ, Dept Hematol, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands [41] Uppsala Acad Hosp, Dept Pathol, Uppsala, Sweden [42] Erasmus Canc Inst Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands [43] Lausanne Univ Hosp, Inst Univ Pathol, Lausanne, Switzerland [44] Kuopio Univ Hosp, Dept Med, Kuopio, Finland [45] Uppsala Acad Hosp, Dept Oncol, Uppsala, Sweden [46] Med Univ Vienna, Bone Marrow Transplantat, Dept Internal Med 1, Vienna, Austria [47] St Olavs Hosp, Trondheim, Norway [48] Helsinki Univ Hosp, Dept Oncol, Ctr Comprehens Canc, Helsinki, Finland [49] Krankenhaus NW Frankfurt, Dept Oncol & Hematol, Frankfurt, Germany [50] Hanusch Hosp, Vienna, Austria [51] Univ Nebraska Med Ctr, Dept Biostat, Omaha, NE USA [52] Inst Potugues Oncol, Dept Hematol, Porto, Portugal [53] Aarhus Univ Hosp, Dept Hematol, Aarhus, Denmark [54]
发布时间 2020-08-21
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