首页>Metabolomics :>Untangling the wine metabolome by combining untargeted SPME-GCxGC-TOF-MS and sensory analysis to profile Sauvignon blanc co-fermented with seven different yeasts
Untangling the wine metabolome by combining untargeted SPME-GCxGC-TOF-MS and sensory analysis to profile Sauvignon blanc co-fermented with seven different yeasts
作者单位:FEM, Dept Food Qual & Nutr, Res & Innovat Ctr, Via E Mach 1, I-38010 San Michele All Adige, TN[1]Univ Stellenbosch, Dept Viticulture & Oenol, Inst Wine Biotechnol, Private Bag X1, ZA-7602[2]Univ Stellenbosch, Inst Grape & Wine Sci, Private Bag X1, ZA-7602 Stellenbosch, South Africa[3]