首页>International journal of primatology>Nest-Building by Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Seringbara, Nimba Mountains: Antipredation, Thermoregulation, and Antivector Hypotheses
Nest-Building by Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Seringbara, Nimba Mountains: Antipredation, Thermoregulation, and Antivector Hypotheses
作者单位:Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University, Aichi 484-8506, Japan[1]Department of Behavioural Biology, Utrecht University, 3584 CH Utrecht, Netherlands[2]Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies, Department of Biological Anthropology, University of Cambridge, CB2 1QH Cambridge, United Kingdom[3]