首页>Trees. Structure and Function>Effect of mycorrhizae on seedlings of six endemic Mimosa L. species (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae) from the semi-arid TehuaccLn-CuicatlcLn Valley, Mexico
Effect of mycorrhizae on seedlings of six endemic Mimosa L. species (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae) from the semi-arid TehuaccLn-CuicatlcLn Valley, Mexico
作者单位:Department of Ecology and Natural Resources Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, P.O. Box 5003, 1432 as, Norway[1]División de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud, Departamento de Biología, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, A. Postal 55-535, 09340 México, D.F., Mexico[2]