Effect of childhood pneumococcal conjugate vaccination on invasive disease in older adults of 10 European countries: implications for adult vaccination
Hanquet, Germaine [1]
Krizova, Pavla [2]
Valentiner-Branth, Palle [3]
Ladhani, Shamez N. [4]
Nuorti, J. Pekka [5]
Lepoutre, Agnes [6]
Mereckiene, Jolita [7]
Knol, Mirjam [8]
Winje, Brita A. [9]
Ciruela, Pilar [10]
Ordobas, Maria [11]
Guevara, Marcela [12]
McDonald, Eisin [13]
Morfeldt, Eva [14]
Kozakova, Jana [15]
Slotved, Hans-Christian [16]
Fry, Norman K. [17]
Rinta-Kokko, Hanna [18]
Varon, Emmanuelle [19]
Corcoran, Mary ;
van der Ende, Arie ;
Vestrheim, Didrik F. ;
Munoz-Almagro, Carmen ;
Latasa, Pello ;
Castilla, Jesus ;
Smith, Andrew ;
Henriques-Normark, Birgitta ;
Whittaker, Robert ;
Celentano, Lucia Pastore ;
Savulescu, Camelia
Hlth Protect Surveillance Ctr, Dublin, Ireland
CIBER Epidemiol & Salud Publ, Madrid, Spain
Gen Directorate Publ Hlth, Madrid, Spain
Publ Hlth Agcy Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Hlth Protect Scotland, Natl Serv Scotland, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
Publ Hlth Agcy Sweden, Solna, Sweden
Natl Inst Hlth & Welf, Helsinki, Finland
Scottish Haemophilus Legionella Meningococcus & P, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
European Hosp George Pompidou, Natl Ctr Pneumococci, Paris, France
Sante Publ France, St Maurice, France
Natl Inst Publ Hlth & Environm, Bilthoven, Netherlands
European Ctr Dis Prevent & Control, Stockholm, Sweden
EpiConcept, Paris, France
Statens Serum Inst, Copenhagen, Denmark
Temple St Childrens Univ Hosp, Irish Pneumococcal Reference Lab, Dublin, Ireland
Natl Inst Publ Hlth, Prague, Czech Republic
Acad Med Ctr, Netherlands Reference Lab Bacterial Meningitis, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Publ Hlth England, London, England
Norwegian Inst Publ Hlth, Oslo, Norway
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