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Epidemiological profile and north-south gradient driving baseline systemic involvement of primary Sjogren's syndrome

作者单位: Hosp CIMA Sanitas, Dept Med, Autoimmune Dis Unit, Barcelona, Spain [1] Mimar Sinan Fine Arts Univ, Fac Sci & Letters, Dept Stat, Istanbul, Turkey [2] Newcastle Univ, NIHR Biomed Res Ctr, Inst Cellular Med, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, England [3] Univ Debrecen, Fac Med, Div Clin Immunol, Debrecen, Hungary [4] Oklahoma Med Res Fdn, Arthrit & Clin Immunol Res Program, 825 NE 13th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73104 [5] Hop Univ Paris Sud, AP HP, Ctr Immunol Viral Infect & Autoimmune Dis, Le Kremlin Bicetre, France [6] Anhui Prov Hosp, Dept Rheumatol & Immunol, Hefei, Anhui, Peoples R China [7] Univ Pisa, Rheumatol Unit, Pisa, Italy [8] Univ Strasbourg, Strasbourg Univ Hosp, Dept Rheumatol, CNRS, Strasbourg, France [9] Christian Med Coll & Hosp, Dept Clin Immunol & Rheumatol, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India [10] Univ Hosp Santa Maria Misericordia, Dept Med Area, Clin Rheumatol, Udine, Italy [11] Sapienza Univ Rome, Dept Internal Med & Med Specialties, Rheumatol Clin, Rome, Italy [12] Inst Nacl Ciencias Med & Nutr Salvador Zubiran, Immunol & Rheumatol Dept, Mexico City, DF, Mexico [13] Hacettepe Univ, Fac Med, Dept Internal Med, Ankara, Turkey [14] Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Dept Rheumatol & Clin Immunol, Utrecht, Netherlands [15] Catholic Univ Korea, Coll Med, Seoul St Marys Hosp, Div Rheumatol,Dept Internal Med, Seoul, South [16] Karolinska Inst, Karolinska Univ Hosp, Dept Med, Div Rheumatol, Stockholm, Sweden [17] Univ Med Ctr, Dept Rheumatol, Ljubljana, Slovenia [18] Univ Paris VII, Hop Lariboisiere, AP HP, Dept Med Interne, Paris, France [19] Univ Perugia, Dept Med, Rheumatol Unit, Perugia, Italy [20] Hosp Valle De Hebron, Dept Internal Med, Barcelona, Spain [21] Univ Adelaide, Queen Elizabeth Hosp, Dept Rheumatol, Discipline Med, Adelaide, SA, Australia [22] Lund Univ, Skane Univ Hosp Malmo, Dept Rheumatol, Malmo, Sweden [23] Kanazawa Univ Hosp, Div Rheumatol, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan [24] UCL, Ctr Rheumatol, Div Med, London, England [25] Univ Fed Espirito Santo, Dept Med, Vitoria, ES, Brazil [26] Wroclaw Med Hosp, Dept Rheumatol & Internal Med, Wroclaw, Poland [27] Uppsala Univ, Dept Med Sci, Rheumatol, Uppsala, Sweden [28] Hosp Ramon & Cajal, Dept Internal Med, Madrid, Spain [29] Univ Groningen, Univ Med Ctr Groningen, Dept Rheumatol & Clin Immunol, Groningen, Netherlands [30] Nagasaki Univ, Dept Immunol & Rheumatol, Grad Sch Biomed Sci, Div Adv Prevent Med Sci, Nagasaki [31] Univ Aquila, Sch Med, Clin Unit Rheumatol, Laquila, Italy [32] Brest Univ Hosp, Rheumatol Dept, Brest, France [33] Univ Med Ctr Freiburg, Otorhinolaryngol Head & Neck Surg, Freiburg, Germany [34] Queen Mary Univ London, Ctr Expt Med & Rheumatol, London, England [35] Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil [36] Univ Bergen, Dept Clin Sci, Sect Rheumatol, Bergen, Norway [37] Univ Sao Paulo HCFMUSP, Hosp Clin, Rheumatol Div, Fac Med, Sao Paulo, Brazil [38] Univ Nacl Cordoba UNC, Inst Invest Ciencias Salud INICSA, Cordoba, Argentina [39] Cairo Univ, Kasr Al Ainy Sch Med, Rheumatol Dept, Cairo, Egypt [40] IRCCS Galeazzi Orthoped Inst, Milan, Italy [41] Univ Montpellier, CHU Montpellier, Dept Rheumatol, Montpellier, France [42] German Hosp, Dept Rheumatol, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina [43] Univ Barcelona, Hosp Clin, Dept Autoimmune Dis,Sjogren Syndrome Res Grp AGAU, Lab Autoimmune Dis [44]
发布时间 2022-09-11
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