Luminari,S. [1]
Biasoli,I. [2]
Versari,A. [3]
Rattotti,S. [4]
Bottelli,C. [5]
Rusconi,C. [6]
Merli,F. [7]
Spina,M. [8]
Ferreri,A.J.M. [9]
Zinzani,P.L. [10]
Gallamini,A. [11]
Franceschetto,A. [12]
Boccomini,C. [13]
Franceschetti,S. [14]
Salvi,F. [15]
Raimondo,F.D. [16]
Carella,A.M. [17]
Micol,Q. [18]
Balzarotti,M. [19]
Musto,P. ;
U.O.C. Ematologia 1, IRCCS San Martino-IST, Genova, Italy
Hematology Unit, S. Croce e Carle Hospital, Cuneo, Italy
Unit of Lymphoid Malignancies, Department of Onco-Hematology, San Raffaele Scientific Institute
Institute of Hematology, Medical Oncology 'L. and A. Seràgnoli', Bologna, Italy
Division of Hematology, Department of Transalational Medicine, Amedeo Avogadro University of
Hematology Unit, Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova Hospital IRCCS, Reggio Emilia, Italy
Department of Oncology and Hematology, Humanitas Cancer Center, Rozzano, Italy
Division of Hematology, Department of Hematology and Oncology, Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy
Nuclear Medicine Unit, Department of Diagnostic, Clinical and Public Health Medicine, University of
Department of Medicine, University Hospital and School of Medicine, Universidade Federal do Rio de
Department of Hematology Oncology, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, University of Pavia
Division of Hematology, Spedali Civili, Brescia, Italy
Oncology Unit, Department of Diagnostic, Clinical and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena
Department of Onco-Hematology, IRCCS-CROB, Rionero in Vulture, Potenza, Italy
Hematology Unit, AO SS Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo, Alessandria, Italy
Division of Hematology, Ospedale Ferrarotto, AOU Policlinico-OVE, University of Catania, Catania
SC Ematologia 2, AO Città Della Salute e Della Scienza, Torino, Italy
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Arcispedale S.Maria Nuova Hospital IRCCS, Reggio Emilia, Italy
Oncology Unit A, Division of Medical Oncology A, National Cancer Institute, Aviano, Italy