Morishima,Y. [1]
Kawase,T. [2]
Malkki,M. [3]
Morishima,S. [4]
Spellman,S. [5]
Kashiwase,K. [6]
Kato,S. [7]
Cesbron,A. [8]
Tiercy,J.-M. [9]
Senitzer,D. [10]
Velardi,A. ;
Laboratoire d'Histocompatibilité, EFS Pays de la Loire, Nantes, France
City of Hope National Cancer Center, Duarte, CA, United States
Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research, Minneapolis, MN, United States
LNRH/Transplantation Immunology Unit, University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland
European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Perugia, Italy
Japan Marrow Donor Program, Tokyo, Japan, Japanese Red Cross Kanto-Koshinetsu Block Blood Center
Japan Marrow Donor Program, Tokyo, Japan, Department of Cell Transplantation and Regenerative
Japan Marrow Donor Program, Tokyo, Japan, Department of Hematology, Fujita Health University School
Japan Marrow Donor Program, Tokyo, Japan, Division of Epidemiology and Prevention, Aichi Cancer
Division of Clinical Research, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, United States