首页>The Journal of biological chemistry>Identification and characterization of Vibrio vulnificus plpA encoding a phospholipase A(2) essential for pathogenesis
Identification and characterization of Vibrio vulnificus plpA encoding a phospholipase A(2) essential for pathogenesis
作者单位:Korea Res Inst Biosci & Biotechnol, Metab Regulat Res Ctr, Infect & Immun Res Lab, Daejeon 34141[1]Seoul Natl Univ, Natl Res Lab Mol Microbiol & Toxicol, Ctr Food Safety & Toxicol, Dept Agr[2]Seoul Natl Univ, Coll Vet Med, PLUS Creat Vet Res Ctr BK21, Dept Vet Physiol,Res Inst Vet Med[3]