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International Consensus Statement for the Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Adolescents with Concurrent Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Substance Use Disorder

作者单位: Pitea Hosp, Child & Adolescent Dept, Region Norrbotten, Pitea, Sweden [1] Nelson Mandela Univ, Dept Pharm, Drug Utilizat Res Unit DURU, Port Elizabeth, South Africa [2] Univ New South Wales, Acad Unit Infant Child Adolescent Psychiat South, Sydney, NSW, Australia [3] Antwerp Univ UA, Collaborat Antwerp Psychiat Res Inst CAPRI, Antwerp, Belgium [4] Parnassia Psychiat Inst, Parnassia Addict Res Ctr PARC, Zoutkeetsingel 40, NL-2512 HN The Hague [5] Imperial Coll London, Ctr Mental Hlth, Dept Med, Div Brain Sci, London, England [6] Adolescent Mental Hlth Justice Hlth & Forens Ment, Sydney, NSW, Australia [7] INSERM, U1144, Paris, France [8] Univ Bern, Univ Hosp Child & Adolescent Psychiat & Psychothe, Bern, Switzerland [9] Semmelweis Univ, Fac Hlth Sci, Budapest, Hungary [10] Int Collaborat ADHD & Subst Abuse ICASA Fdn, Nijmegen, Netherlands [11] Nelson Mandela Univ, Dept Pharm, Port Elizabeth, South Africa [12] Queen Mary Univ London, Ctr Psychiat, Barts & London Sch Med & Dent, Wolfson Inst, London, England [13] Univ Haifa, Ctr Rehabil Res, Sch Criminol, Haifa, Israel [14] Aarhus Univ, Dept Econ & Business Econ, Aarhus, Denmark [15] Hosp Univ Vall dHebron, Dept Psychiat Mental Hlth & Addict, Addict & Dual Diag Sect, Barcelona [16] Goethe Univ, Univ Hosp, Dept Psychiat Psychosomat Med & Psychotherapy, Frankfurt, Germany [17] Semmelweis Univ, Dept Med Chem Mol Biol & Pathobiochem, Budapest, Hungary [18] East London NHS Fdn Trust, London, England [19] Grp Hosp St Louis Lariboisiere Fernand Widal, Assistance Publ Hop Paris AP HP, Paris, France [20] Univ Carlos Albizu, PhD Program Clin Psychol, San Juan, PR USA [21] Murdoch Childrens Res Inst, Melbourne, Vic, Australia [22] Univ Amsterdam, Dept Psychol, Amsterdam, Netherlands [23] Cent Inst Mental Hlth, Dept Addict Behav & Addict Med, Mannheim, Germany [24] Univ G dAnnunzio, Dept Neurosci Imaging Clin Sci, Chieti, Italy [25] Ben Gurion Univ Negev, Dept Educ, Beer Sheva, Israel [26] Semmelweis Univ, Fac Med, Dept Psychiat & Psychotherapy, Budapest, Hungary [27] Parnassia Psychiat Inst, Brijder Youth Addict Treatment, The Hague, Netherlands [28] Univ Med Ctr Hamburg Eppendorf, German Ctr Addict Res Childhood & Adolescence, Hamburg, Germany [29] Autonomous Univ Barcelona, Dept Psychiat & Legal Med, Barcelona, Spain [30] Univ Hosp Brussels, Dept Psychiat, Brussels, Belgium [31] Eotvos Lorand Univ, Inst Psychol, Budapest, Hungary [32] Vrije Univ Brussel VUB, Univ Ziekenhuis Brussel UZ Brussel, Dept Psychiat, Brussels, Belgium [33] RadboudUMC, Dept Psychiat, Donders Inst, Nijmegen, Netherlands [34] Univ Bern, Univ Hosp Psychiat, Bern, Switzerland [35] SUNY Upstate Med Univ, Dept Psychiat, Syracuse, NY 13210 USA [36] Columbia Univ, Dept Psychiat, New York State Psychiat Inst, New York, NY USA [37] Boston Univ, Sch Med, Boston Med Ctr, Boston, MA 02118 USA [38] De Hoop GGZ, Dordrecht, Netherlands [39] RadboudUMC, Nijmegen Inst Scientist Practitioners Addict NISP, Nijmegen, Netherlands [40] Univ New South Wales, Natl Drug & Alcohol Res Ctr, Sydney, NSW, Australia [41] Ruhr Univ Bochum, LWL Univ Hosp, Dept Child & Adolescent Psychiat, Hamm, Germany [42] Heidelberg Univ, Cent Inst Mental Hlth Mannheim CIMH, Dept Child & Adolescent Psychiat, Mannheim [43] Vrije Univ Brussel VUB, Dept Psychiat, UZ Brussel, Brussels, Belgium [44] Radboud Univ Nijmegen, Dept Psychiat, Med Ctr, Nijmegen, Netherlands [45] Vall dHebron Res Inst VHIR, Grp Psychiat Mental Hlth & Addict, Barcelona, Spain [46]
发布时间 2020-11-27
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European addiction research


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