Kraugerud, M. [1]
Aleksandersen, M. [2]
Nyengaard, J.R. [3]
?stby, G.C. [4]
Gutleb, A.C. [5]
Dahl, E. [6]
Berg, V. ;
Farstad, W. ;
Schweder, T. ;
Skaare, J.U. ;
Ropstad, E.
Department of Production Animal Sciences, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Postboks 8146 Dep., N-0033 Oslo, Norway
Department of Food Safety and Infection Biology, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Postboks 8146 Dep, N-0033 Oslo, Norway
Department of Economics, University of Oslo, Postboks 1095, Blindern, N-0317 Oslo, Norway
National Veterinary Institute, Postboks 750, Sentrum, N-0106 Oslo, Norway
Stereology and EM, Laboratory and Centre for Stochastic Geometry and Advanced Bioimaging, Aarhus University Hospital, Bygn 10g, N?rrebrogade 44, DK-8000 ?rhus C, Denmark
Department of Basic Sciences and Aquatic Medicine, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Postboks 8146 Dep., N-0033 Oslo, Norway