首页>Molecular biotechnology>Expression of Breast Cancer-Related Epitopes Targeting the IGF-1 Receptor in Chimeric Human Parvovirus B19 Virus-Like Particles
Expression of Breast Cancer-Related Epitopes Targeting the IGF-1 Receptor in Chimeric Human Parvovirus B19 Virus-Like Particles
作者单位:Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico, Fac Med, Dept Bioquim, Av Univ 3000, Mexico City 04510, DF, Mexico[1]Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico, Fac Estudios Super Iztacala, Unidad Biomed, Lab Inmunidad Mucosas, Ave Barrios 1, Los Reyes Iztacala 54090, Tlalnepantla, Mexico[2]