Methotrexate Is Not Superior to Placebo for Inducing Steroid-Free Remission, but Induces Steroid-Free Clinical Remission in a Larger Proportion of Patients With Ulcerative Colitis
Carbonnel, Franck [1]
Colombel, Jean Frederic [2]
Filippi, Jerome [3]
Katsanos, Konstantinos H. [4]
Peyrin-Biroulet, Laurent [5]
Allez, Mathieu [6]
Nachury, Maria [7]
Novacek, Gottfried [8]
Danese, Silvio [9]
Abitbol, Vered [10]
Bossa, Fabrizio [11]
Moreau, Jacques [12]
Bommelaer, Gilles [13]
Bourreille, Arnaud [14]
Fumery, Mathurin [15]
Roblin, Xavier [16]
Reinisch, Walter [17]
Bouhnik, Yoram [18]
Brixi, Hedia [19]
Seksik, Philippe [20]
Malamut, Georgia [21]
Farkkila, Martti [22]
Coulibaly, Baya [23]
Dewit, Olivier [24]
Louis, Edouard [25]
Deplanque, Dominique [26]
Michetti, Pierre [27]
Sarter, Helene [28]
Laharie, David
CHU Vaudois, Gastroenterol La Source Beaulieu, CH-1011 Lausanne, Switzerland
Univ Paris 11, CHU Bicetre, APHP, Serv Gastroenterol, F-94275 Le Kremlin Bicetre, France
Univ Paris 05, Hop Europeen Georges Pompidou, APHP, Sorbonne Paris Ctr,Gastroenterol Dept, Paris
Univ Paris 07, Hop St Louis, APHP, Serv Hepatogastroenterol, Paris, France
UCL St Luc, Serv Gastroenterol, Brussels, Belgium
Hop Rangueil, CHU Toulouse, Serv Gastroenterol & Nutr, Toulouse, France
Univ Lille, CHRU Lille, INSERM, Lille, France
Hop Nord Amiens, CHU Amiens, Serv Hepatogastroenterol, Amiens, France
CHU Nantes, Hotel Dieu, Hepatogastroenterol, Inst Malad Appareil Digestif, F-44035 Nantes 01, France
Ist Clin Humanitas, Dept Gastroenterol, Milan, Italy
Hop Jean Minjoz, CHU Besancon, Serv Gastroenterol, F-25030 Besancon, France
Hop Robert Debre, Serv Gastroenterol, Reims, France
Univ Lorraine, INSERM, U954, Vandoeuvre Les Nancy, France
Univ Ioannina, Dept Gastroenterol, Sch Med Sci, GR-45110 Ioannina, Greece
Univ Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Med Univ Wien, Univ Klin Innere Med 3, Klin Abt Gastroenterol & Hepatol, Wahringer Gurtel, Vienna
Univ Hosp CHU Liege, Dept Gastroenterol, Liege, Belgium
Univ Lille, Publ Hlth Epidemiol & Econ Hlth, Registre Epimad, Maison Reg Rech Clin, Lille, France
Hop Nord St Etienne, CHU St Etienne, Serv Gastroenterol & Hepatol, St Etienne, France
Univ Paris 07, Hop Beaujon, APHP, Gastroenterol MICI & Assistance Nutr, Clichy, France
Hop Archet 2, CHU Nice, Serv Gastroenterol, Nice, France
Hop St Antoine, Serv Gastroenterol, F-75571 Paris, France
Ctr Hosp Avignon, Serv Gastroenterol, Avignon, France
Icahn Med Sch Med Mt Sinai, Helmsley Inflammatory Bowel Dis Ctr, New York, NY USA
Casa Sollievo Sofferenza Hosp IRCCS, Div Gastroenterol, San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy
Univ Bordeaux, CHU Bordeaux, Hop Haut Leveque, Lab Bacteriol,Serv Hepatogastroenterol, Bordeaux
CHU Cochin, APHP, Serv Gastroenterol, Paris, France
CHU Clermont Ferrand, Serv Hepatol Gastroenterol, Clermont Ferrand, France
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