Psyrri,A. [1]
Kalogeras,K.T. [2]
Kronenwett,R. [3]
Wirtz,R.M. [4]
Batistatou,A. [5]
Bournakis,E. [6]
Timotheadou,E. [7]
Gogas,H. [8]
Aravantinos,G. [9]
Christodoulou,C. [10]
Makatsoris,T. [11]
Linardou,H. [12]
Pectasides,D. [13]
Pavlidis,N. ;
Economopoulos,T. ;
Molecular Research Germany, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Cologne, Germany, Sividon Diagnostics
First Department of Medicine, Laiko General Hospital, University of Athens School of Medicine
First Department of Medical Oncology, Metropolitan Hospital, Piraeus, Greece
Molecular Research Germany, Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Cologne, Germany, Stratifyer Molecular
Oncology Section, Second Department of Internal Medicine, Hippokration Hospital, University of
Department of Medical Oncology, Papageorgiou Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki School
Second Department of Medical Oncology, Metropolitan Hospital, Piraeus, Greece
Department of Pathology, Ioannina University Hospital, Ioannina, Greece
Third Department of Medical Oncology, Agii Anargiri Cancer Hospital, Athens, Greece
Division of Oncology, Department of Medicine, University Hospital, University of Patras School of
Department of Medical Oncology, Ioannina University Hospital, Ioannina, Greece
Department of Clinical Therapeutics, Alexandra Hospital, United Kingdom
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Attikon University Hospital, Athens, Greece