Katrina,Tatton-Brown [1]
Sheila,Seal [2]
Elise,Ruark [2]
Jenny,Harmer [3]
Emma,Ramsay [2]
Silvana,Del Vecchio Duarte [2]
Anna,Zachariou [2]
Sandra,Hanks [2]
Eleanor,O'Brien [2]
Lise,Aksglaede [4]
Diana,Baralle [5]
Tabib,Dabir [6]
Blanca,Gener [7]
David,Goudie [8]
Tessa,Homfray [9]
Ajith,Kumar [10]
Daniela T,Pilz [11]
Angelo,Selicorni [12]
I Karen,Temple [5]
Lionel,Van Maldergem [13]
Naomi,Yachelevich [14]
Childhood Overgrowth Consortium [3]
Robert,van Montfort [15]
1] Division of Genetics and Epidemiology, Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK. [2] Cancer Genetics Unit, Royal Marsden Hospital, London, UK. [3] Medical Genetics, St George's University of London, London, UK.
Division of Genetics and Epidemiology, Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK.
Cancer Research UK Cancer Therapeutics Unit, Division of Cancer Therapeutics, Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK.
Department of Clinical Genetics, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Human Genetics and Genomic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK.
Northern Ireland Regional Genetics Centre, Clinical Genetics Service, Belfast City Hospital, Belfast, UK.
Servicio de Genética, BioCruces Health Research Institute, Hospital Universitario Cruces, Bizkaia, Spain.
Department of Human Genetics, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee, UK.
Medical Genetics, St George's University of London, London, UK.
North East Thames Regional Genetics Service, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK.
Institute of Medical Genetics, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK.
Ambulatorio di Genetica Clinica Pediatrica, Clinica Pediatrica dell'Università di Milano Bicocca, La Fondazione Monza e Brianza il Bambino e La Sua Mamma (MBBM), Azienda Ospedaliera (AO), San Gerado, Monza, Italy.
Centre de Génétique Humaine, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France.
Clinical Genetics Services, New York University Hospitals Center, New York University, New York, New York, USA.
1] Division of Genetics and Epidemiology, Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK. [2] Cancer Genetics Unit, Royal Marsden Hospital, London, UK.