V,Jomelli [1]
V,Favier [2]
M,Vuille [3]
R,Braucher [4]
L,Martin [5]
P-H,Blard [5]
C,Colose [3]
D,Brunstein [1]
F,He [6]
M,Khodri [7]
D L,Bourlès [4]
L,Leanni [4]
V,Rinterknecht [8]
D,Grancher [1]
B,Francou [9]
J L,Ceballos [10]
H,Fonseca [11]
Z,Liu [12]
B L,Otto-Bliesner [13]
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, CNRS Laboratoire de Géographie Physique, 92195 Meudon, France.
Université Grenoble Alpes, LGGE, UMR 5183, F-38041 Grenoble, France.
Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, University at Albany, Albany, New York 12222, USA.
Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS-IRD-Collège de France, CEREGE UM34, 13545 Aix-en-Provence, France.
CNRS, Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques, UMR 7358, Université de Lorraine, BP 20, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy 54501, France.
Center for Climatic Research, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA.
IRD-Laboratoire d'Océanographie et du Climat: Expérimentation et Approche numérique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, F-75252 Paris Cedex 05, France.
School of Geography and Geosciences Irvine Building, University of St Andrews, St Andrews KY16 9AL, UK.
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, CP 9214, La Paz, Bolivia.
Institute for Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies, Bogota, 07603, Colombia.
Escuela de Ingeniería Geológica, UPTC Sede Seccional Sogamoso, Sogamoso, 152211, Colombia.
Center for Climatic Research and Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA.
Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado 80305, USA.