Guney,Bademci [1]
Akeem,Lasisi [2]
Kemal O,Yariz [3]
Paola,Montenegro [4]
Ibis,Menendez [5]
Rodrigo,Vinueza [6]
Rosario,Paredes [7]
Germania,Moreta [8]
Asli,Subasioglu [9]
Susan,Blanton [10]
Suat,Fitoz [11]
Armagan,Incesulu [12]
Levent,Sennaroglu [13]
Mustafa,Tekin [14]
John P. Hussmann Institute for Human Genomics and John T. Macdonald Foundation, Department of Human Genetics, Miller school of Medicine, University of Miami, 1501 NW 10th Avenue, BRB-610 (M-860), Miami, FL, 33136, USA. g.bademci@med.miami.edu.
John P. Hussmann Institute for Human Genomics and John T. Macdonald Foundation, Department of Human Genetics, Miller school of Medicine, University of Miami, 1501 NW 10th Avenue, BRB-610 (M-860), Miami, FL, 33136, USA. akeemlasisi@gmail.com.
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. akeemlasisi@gmail.com.
John P. Hussmann Institute for Human Genomics and John T. Macdonald Foundation, Department of Human Genetics, Miller school of Medicine, University of Miami, 1501 NW 10th Avenue, BRB-610 (M-860), Miami, FL, 33136, USA. koyariz@gmail.com.
Departamento de Genetica, Hospital de Especialidades FFAA, Quito, Ecuador. paom14@gmail.com.
John P. Hussmann Institute for Human Genomics and John T. Macdonald Foundation, Department of Human Genetics, Miller school of Medicine, University of Miami, 1501 NW 10th Avenue, BRB-610 (M-860), Miami, FL, 33136, USA. IMenendez1@med.miami.edu.
Departamento de Genetica, Hospital de Especialidades FFAA, Quito, Ecuador. genmolhg1@gmail.com.
Departamento de Genetica, Hospital de Especialidades FFAA, Quito, Ecuador. charoparedes@yahoo.fr.
Departamento de Genetica, Hospital de Especialidades FFAA, Quito, Ecuador. germaniamoreta@yahoo.com.
John P. Hussmann Institute for Human Genomics and John T. Macdonald Foundation, Department of Human Genetics, Miller school of Medicine, University of Miami, 1501 NW 10th Avenue, BRB-610 (M-860), Miami, FL, 33136, USA. asuzak78@hotmail.com.
Department of Medical Genetics, Izmir Katip Celebi University, Ataturk Training and Research Hospital, Izmir, Turkey. asuzak78@hotmail.com.
John P. Hussmann Institute for Human Genomics and John T. Macdonald Foundation, Department of Human Genetics, Miller school of Medicine, University of Miami, 1501 NW 10th Avenue, BRB-610 (M-860), Miami, FL, 33136, USA. SBlanton@med.miami.edu.
Department of Radiodiagnostics, Ankara University School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. sfitoz@yahoo.com.
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Eskisehir Osmangazi University School of Medicine, Eskisehir, Turkey. armaganincesulu@yahoo.com.
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. lsennaroglu@gmail.com.
John P. Hussmann Institute for Human Genomics and John T. Macdonald Foundation, Department of Human Genetics, Miller school of Medicine, University of Miami, 1501 NW 10th Avenue, BRB-610 (M-860), Miami, FL, 33136, USA. mtekin@med.miami.edu.