Madras Diabetes Research Foundation & Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialities Centre, WHO Collaborating Centre for Non-communicable Diseases Prevention and Control, IDF Centre of Education, 6B, Conran Smith Road, Gopalapuram, 600086, Chennai, India. dranjana@drmohans.com.
Ranjit Mohan,Anjana [1]
Vasudevan,Sudha [2]
Nagarajan,Lakshmipriya [3]
Sivasankaran,Subhashini [4]
Rajendra,Pradeepa [5]
Loganathan,Geetha [6]
Mookambika Ramya,Bai [7]
Rajagopal,Gayathri [8]
Mohan,Deepa [9]
Ranjit,Unnikrishnan [10]
Valsalakumari Sreekumaran Nair,Binu [11]
Anura V,Kurpad [12]
Viswanathan,Mohan [13]
Madras Diabetes Research Foundation & Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialities Centre, WHO Collaborating Centre for Non-communicable Diseases Prevention and Control, IDF Centre of Education, 6B, Conran Smith Road, Gopalapuram, 600086, Chennai, India. dranjana@drmohans.com.
Madras Diabetes Research Foundation & Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialities Centre, WHO Collaborating Centre for Non-communicable Diseases Prevention and Control, IDF Centre of Education, 6B, Conran Smith Road, Gopalapuram, 600086, Chennai, India. s2r_7@mdrf.in.
Madras Diabetes Research Foundation & Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialities Centre, WHO Collaborating Centre for Non-communicable Diseases Prevention and Control, IDF Centre of Education, 6B, Conran Smith Road, Gopalapuram, 600086, Chennai, India. lakshmipriya@mdrf.in.
Madras Diabetes Research Foundation & Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialities Centre, WHO Collaborating Centre for Non-communicable Diseases Prevention and Control, IDF Centre of Education, 6B, Conran Smith Road, Gopalapuram, 600086, Chennai, India. subhashini.mdrf@gmail.com.
Madras Diabetes Research Foundation & Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialities Centre, WHO Collaborating Centre for Non-communicable Diseases Prevention and Control, IDF Centre of Education, 6B, Conran Smith Road, Gopalapuram, 600086, Chennai, India. guhapradeepa@gmail.com.
Madras Diabetes Research Foundation & Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialities Centre, WHO Collaborating Centre for Non-communicable Diseases Prevention and Control, IDF Centre of Education, 6B, Conran Smith Road, Gopalapuram, 600086, Chennai, India. drgeetha73@gmail.com.
Madras Diabetes Research Foundation & Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialities Centre, WHO Collaborating Centre for Non-communicable Diseases Prevention and Control, IDF Centre of Education, 6B, Conran Smith Road, Gopalapuram, 600086, Chennai, India. ramya@mdrf.in.
Madras Diabetes Research Foundation & Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialities Centre, WHO Collaborating Centre for Non-communicable Diseases Prevention and Control, IDF Centre of Education, 6B, Conran Smith Road, Gopalapuram, 600086, Chennai, India. gayathri@mdrf.in.
Madras Diabetes Research Foundation & Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialities Centre, WHO Collaborating Centre for Non-communicable Diseases Prevention and Control, IDF Centre of Education, 6B, Conran Smith Road, Gopalapuram, 600086, Chennai, India. deepa.mohan1@gmail.com.
Madras Diabetes Research Foundation & Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialities Centre, WHO Collaborating Centre for Non-communicable Diseases Prevention and Control, IDF Centre of Education, 6B, Conran Smith Road, Gopalapuram, 600086, Chennai, India. drranjit@drmohans.com.
Department of Statistics, Manipal University, Manipal, 576104, Karnataka, India. binu.vs@manipal.edu.
Department of Nutrition, St. John's Research Institute, St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore, 560 034, Karnataka, India. a.kurpad@sjri.res.in.
Madras Diabetes Research Foundation & Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialities Centre, WHO Collaborating Centre for Non-communicable Diseases Prevention and Control, IDF Centre of Education, 6B, Conran Smith Road, Gopalapuram, 600086, Chennai, India. drmohans@diabetes.ind.in.