Department of Prevention and Diagnostic Oncology, Laboratory of Clinical Pathology -National Cancer Institute "Regina Elena", Rome, Italy. cigliana@ifo.it.
Department of Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Largo A. Gemelli 8, Rome, ZIP CODE: 00168, Italy. etorti@gmail.com.
School of Medicine - Institute of Internal Medicine, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy. fragulli@tiscali.it.
Department of Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Largo A. Gemelli 8, Rome, ZIP CODE: 00168, Italy. elena.desantis83@gmail.com.
Department of Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Largo A. Gemelli 8, Rome, ZIP CODE: 00168, Italy. dellabatemariateresa@gmail.com.
Department of Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Largo A. Gemelli 8, Rome, ZIP CODE: 00168, Italy. ginocolacicco@gmail.com.
Hematology and Transplantation, Italian National Cancer Institute "Regina Elena", Rome, Italy. pisani@ifo.it.
Department of Prevention and Diagnostic Oncology, Laboratory of Clinical Pathology -National Cancer Institute "Regina Elena", Rome, Italy. laura.conti@ifo.it.
Department of Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Largo A. Gemelli 8, Rome, ZIP CODE: 00168, Italy. umberto.basile@rm.unicatt.it.