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Measurement of Muon Antineutrino Oscillations with an Accelerator-Produced Off-Axis Beam.

作者: K,Abe [1] ; C,Andreopoulos [2] ; M,Antonova [3] ; S,Aoki [4] ; A,Ariga [5] ; S,Assylbekov [6] ; D,Autiero [7] ; M,Barbi [8] ; G J,Barker [9] ; G,Barr [10] ; P,Bartet-Friburg [11] ; M,Batkiewicz [12] ; F,Bay [13] ; V,Berardi [14] ; S,Berkman [15] ; S,Bhadra [16] ; A,Blondel [17] ; S,Bolognesi [18] ; S,Bordoni [19] ; S B,Boyd [20] ; D,Brailsford [10] ; A,Bravar [21] ; C,Bronner [22] ; M,Buizza Avanzini [18] ; R G,Calland [23] ; S,Cao [24] ; J,Caravaca Rodríguez [23] ; S L,Cartwright [25] ; R,Castillo [20] ; M G,Catanesi [26] ; A,Cervera [20] ; D,Cherdack [15] ; N,Chikuma [27] ; G,Christodoulou [7] ; A,Clifton [28] ; J,Coleman [2] ; G,Collazuol [7] ; L,Cremonesi [2] ; A,Dabrowska [29] ; G,De Rosa [30] ; T,Dealtry [13] ; P F,Denner [31] ; S R,Dennis [22] ; C,Densham [10] ; D,Dewhurst [2] ; F,Di Lodovico [3] ; S,Di Luise [11] ; S,Dolan [30] ; O,Drapier [14] ; K E,Duffy [11] ; J,Dumarchez [24] ; S,Dytman [11] ; M,Dziewiecki [12] ; S,Emery-Schrenk [32] ; A,Ereditato [33] ; T,Feusels [19] ; A J,Finch [6] ; G A,Fiorentini [16] ; M,Friend [22] ; Y,Fujii [17] ; D,Fukuda [34] ; Y,Fukuda [34] ; A P,Furmanski [35] ; V,Galymov [36] ; A,Garcia [10] ; S G,Giffin [8] ; C,Giganti [20] ; F,Gizzarelli [9] ; M,Gonin [12] ; N,Grant [19] ; D R,Hadley [24] ; L,Haegel [22] ; M D,Haigh [10] ; P,Hamilton [18] ; D,Hansen [10] ; T,Hara [21] ; M,Hartz [32] ; T,Hasegawa [5] ; N C,Hastings [23] ; T,Hayashino [37] ; Y,Hayato [34] ; R L,Helmer [9] ; M,Hierholzer [25] ; A,Hillairet [23] ; A,Himmel [1] ; T,Hiraki [37] ; S,Hirota [6] ; M,Hogan [38] ; J,Holeczek [39] ; S,Horikawa [25] ; F,Hosomi [25] ; K,Huang [7] ; A K,Ichikawa [40] ; K,Ieki [14] ; M,Ikeda [28] ; J,Imber [25] ; J,Insler [25] ; R A,Intonti [25] ; T J,Irvine [1] ; T,Ishida [24] ; T,Ishii [41] ; E,Iwai [15] ; K,Iwamoto [42] ; A,Izmaylov [34] ; A,Jacob [34] ; B,Jamieson [34] ; M,Jiang [43] ; S,Johnson [27] ; J H,Jo [4] ; P,Jonsson [11] ; C K,Jung [44] ; M,Kabirnezhad [25] ; A C,Kaboth [45] ; T,Kajita [46] ; H,Kakuno [21] ; J,Kameda [46] ; D,Karlen [47] ; I,Karpikov [48] ; T,Katori [3] ; E,Kearns [42] ; M,Khabibullin [49] ; A,Khotjantsev [1] ; D,Kielczewska [37] ; T,Kikawa [38] ; H,Kim [4] ; J,Kim [30] ; S,King [50] ; J,Kisiel [23] ; A,Knight [4] ; A,Knox [4] ; T,Kobayashi [51] ; L,Koch [25] ; T,Koga [52] ; A,Konaka [16] ; K,Kondo [30] ; A,Kopylov [40] ; L L,Kormos [10] ; A,Korzenev [22] ; Y,Koshio [34] ; W,Kropp [53] ; Y,Kudenko [28] ; R,Kurjata [37] ; T,Kutter [25] ; J,Lagoda [4] ; I,Lamont [22] ; E,Larkin [18] ; M,Laveder [35] ; M,Lawe [54] ; M,Lazos [4] ; T,Lindner [33] ; Z J,Liptak [41] ; R P,Litchfield [47] ; X,Li [22] ; A,Longhin [10] ; J P,Lopez [29] ; L,Ludovici [22] ; X,Lu [2] ; L,Magaletti [37] ; K,Mahn [45] ; M,Malek [10] ; S,Manly [46] ; A D,Marino [29] ; J,Marteau [45] ; J F,Martin [55] ; P,Martins [11] ; S,Martynenko [15] ; T,Maruyama [56] ; V,Matveev [26] ; K,Mavrokoridis [43] ; W Y,Ma [45] ; E,Mazzucato [8] ; M,McCarthy [57] ; N,McCauley [30] ; K S,McFarland [46] ; C,McGrew [34] ; A,Mefodiev [4] ; M,Mezzetto [2] ; P,Mijakowski [21] ; A,Minamino [19] ; O,Mineev [17] ; S,Mine [2] ; A,Missert [43] ; M,Miura [46] ; S,Moriyama [4] ; Th A,Mueller [29] ; S,Murphy [47] ; J,Myslik [25] ; T,Nakadaira [4] ; M,Nakahata [54] ; K G,Nakamura [45] ; K,Nakamura [1] ; K D,Nakamura [1] ; S,Nakayama [24] ; T,Nakaya [14] ; K,Nakayoshi [38] ; C,Nantais [34] ; C,Nielsen [23] ; M,Nirkko [1] ; K,Nishikawa [25] ; Y,Nishimura [34] ; J,Nowak [23] ; H M,O'Keeffe [25] ; R,Ohta [1] ; K,Okumura [23] ; T,Okusawa [25] ; W,Oryszczak [34] ; S M,Oser [16] ; T,Ovsyannikova [16] ; R A,Owen [6] ; Y,Oyama [34] ; V,Palladino [42] ; J L,Palomino [22] ; V,Paolone [22] ; N D,Patel [34] ; M,Pavin [23] ; D,Payne [42] ; J D,Perkin [52] ; Y,Petrov [51] ; L,Pickard [16] ; L,Pickering [4] ; E S,Pinzon Guerra [30] ; C,Pistillo [34] ; B,Popov [31] ; M,Posiadala-Zezula [46] ; J-M,Poutissou [32] ; R,Poutissou [25] ; P,Przewlocki [12] ; B,Quilain [2] ; E,Radicioni [26] ; P N,Ratoff [16] ; M,Ravonel [26] ; M A M,Rayner [21] ; A,Redij [17] ; E,Reinherz-Aronis [6] ; C,Riccio [12] ; P,Rojas [51] ; E,Rondio [37] ; S,Roth [37] ; A,Rubbia [47] ; A,Rychter [25] ; R,Sacco [15] ; K,Sakashita [22] ; F,Sánchez [18] ; F,Sato [18] ; E,Scantamburlo [6] ; K,Scholberg [7] ; S,Schoppmann [31] ; J,Schwehr [7] ; M,Scott [47] ; Y,Seiya [53] ; T,Sekiguchi [14] ; H,Sekiya [33] ; D,Sgalaberna [30] ; R,Shah [34] ; A,Shaikhiev [20] ; F,Shaker [34] ; D,Shaw [18] ; M,Shiozawa [39] ; T,Shirahige [53] ; S,Short [7] ; M,Smy [37] ; J T,Sobczyk [52] ; M,Sorel [34] ; L,Southwell [23] ; P,Stamoulis [1] ; J,Steinmann [14] ; T,Stewart [11] ; Y,Suda [3] ; S,Suvorov [4] ; A,Suzuki [44] ; K,Suzuki [22] ; S Y,Suzuki [23] ; Y,Suzuki [1] ; R,Tacik [35] ; M,Tada [30] ; S,Takahashi [54] ; A,Takeda [58] ; Y,Takeuchi [27] ; H K,Tanaka [22] ; H A,Tanaka [27] ; D,Terhorst [53] ; R,Terri [3] ; T,Thakore [28] ; L F,Thompson [4] ; S,Tobayama [5] ; W,Toki [25] ; T,Tomura [34] ; C,Touramanis [23] ; T,Tsukamoto [9] ; M,Tzanov [37] ; Y,Uchida [34] ; A,Vacheret [25] ; M,Vagins [1] ; Z,Vallari [23] ; G,Vasseur [5] ; T,Wachala [1] ; K,Wakamatsu [57] ; C W,Walter [37] ; D,Wark [53] ; W,Warzycha [30] ; M O,Wascko [41] ; A,Weber [26] ; R,Wendell [16] ; R J,Wilkes [7] ; M J,Wilking [1] ; C,Wilkinson [2] ; J R,Wilson [34] ; R J,Wilson [41] ; Y,Yamada [21] ; K,Yamamoto [11] ; M,Yamamoto [54] ; C,Yanagisawa [23] ; T,Yano [46] ; S,Yen [19] ; N,Yershov [13] ; M,Yokoyama [52] ; J,Yoo [39] ; K,Yoshida [11] ; T,Yuan [3] ; M,Yu [51] ; A,Zalewska [34] ; J,Zalipska [21] ; L,Zambelli [11] ; K,Zaremba [3] ; M,Ziembicki [25] ; E D,Zimmerman [59] ; M,Zito [46] ; J,Żmuda [6] ; T2K Collaboration [30]
作者单位: University of Tokyo, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, Kamioka Observatory, Kamioka, Japan. [1] University of Liverpool, Department of Physics, Liverpool, United Kingdom. [2] STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Oxford, and Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, United Kingdom. [3] Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. [4] Kobe University, Kobe, Japan. [5] University of Bern, Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics, Laboratory for High Energy Physics (LHEP), Bern, Switzerland. [6] Colorado State University, Department of Physics, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. [7] Université de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, IPN Lyon (IN2P3), Villeurbanne, France. [8] University of Regina, Department of Physics, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. [9] University of Warwick, Department of Physics, Coventry, United Kingdom. [10] Oxford University, Department of Physics, Oxford, United Kingdom. [11] UPMC, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS/IN2P3, Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Energies (LPNHE), Paris, France. [12] H. Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Cracow, Poland. [13] ETH Zurich, Institute for Particle Physics, Zurich, Switzerland. [14] INFN Sezione di Bari and Università e Politecnico di Bari, Dipartimento Interuniversitario di Fisica, Bari, Italy. [15] University of British Columbia, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. [16] York University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. [17] University of Geneva, Section de Physique, DPNC, Geneva, Switzerland. [18] IRFU, CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. [19] Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE), Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Campus UAB, Bellaterra (Barcelona), Spain. [20] Imperial College London, Department of Physics, London, United Kingdom. [21] Lancaster University, Physics Department, Lancaster, United Kingdom. [22] Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (WPI), University of Tokyo Institutes for Advanced Study, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan. [23] Ecole Polytechnique, IN2P3-CNRS, Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, Palaiseau, France. [24] Kyoto University, Department of Physics, Kyoto, Japan. [25] University of Sheffield, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Sheffield, United Kingdom. [26] IFIC (CSIC and University of Valencia), Valencia, Spain. [27] University of Tokyo, Department of Physics, Tokyo, Japan. [28] INFN Sezione di Padova and Università di Padova, Dipartimento di Fisica, Padova, Italy. [29] Queen Mary University of London, School of Physics and Astronomy, London, United Kingdom. [30] INFN Sezione di Napoli and Università di Napoli, Dipartimento di Fisica, Napoli, Italy. [31] University of Pittsburgh, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. [32] Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Radioelectronics, Warsaw, Poland. [33] High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. [34] Okayama University, Department of Physics, Okayama, Japan. [35] Miyagi University of Education, Department of Physics, Sendai, Japan. [36] TRIUMF, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. [37] University of Victoria, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. [38] Duke University, Department of Physics, Durham, North Carolina, USA. [39] University of Silesia, Institute of Physics, Katowice, Poland. [40] Louisiana State University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA. [41] University of Tokyo, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, Research Center for Cosmic Neutrinos, Kashiwa, Japan. [42] University of Rochester, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rochester, New York, USA. [43] University of Winnipeg, Department of Physics, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. [44] University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Physics, Boulder, Colorado, USA. [45] State University of New York at Stony Brook, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook, New York, USA. [46] National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, Poland. [47] Royal Holloway University of London, Department of Physics, Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom. [48] Tokyo Metropolitan University, Department of Physics, Tokyo, Japan. [49] Boston University, Department of Physics, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. [50] University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, Warsaw, Poland. [51] Osaka City University, Department of Physics, Osaka, Japan. [52] RWTH Aachen University, III. Physikalisches Institut, Aachen, Germany. [53] University of California, Irvine, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Irvine, California, USA. [54] INFN Sezione di Roma and Università di Roma "La Sapienza," Roma, Italy. [55] Michigan State University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, East Lansing, Michigan, USA. [56] University of Toronto, Department of Physics, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. [57] Wroclaw University, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, Wroclaw, Poland. [58] University of Washington, Department of Physics, Seattle, Washington, USA. [59]
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.181801
PMID 27203315
发布时间 2018-01-26
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