Integration of new biological and physical retrospective dosimetry methods into EU emergency response plans - joint RENEB and EURADOS inter-laboratory comparisons.
Elizabeth,Ainsbury [1]
Christophe,Badie [1]
Stephen,Barnard [1]
Grainne,Manning [1]
Jayne,Moquet [1]
Michael,Abend [2]
Ana Catarina,Antunes [3]
Lleonard,Barrios [4]
Celine,Bassinet [5]
Christina,Beinke [6]
Emanuela,Bortolin [7]
Lily,Bossin [1]
Clare,Bricknell [8]
Kamil,Brzoska [1]
Iwona,Buraczewska [9]
Carlos Huertas,Castaño [9]
Zina,Čemusová [10]
Maria,Christiansson [11]
Santiago Mateos,Cordero [12]
Guillaume,Cosler [10]
Sara Della,Monaca [13]
François,Desangles [7]
Michael,Discher [13]
Inmaculada,Dominguez [14]
Sven,Doucha-Senf [10]
Jon,Eakins [2]
Paola,Fattibene [1]
Silvia,Filippi [7]
Monika,Frenzel [15]
Dimka,Georgieva [16]
Eric,Gregoire [17]
Kamile,Guogyte [5]
Valeria,Hadjidekova [18]
Ljubomira,Hadjiiska [17]
Rositsa,Hristova [17]
Maria,Karakosta [17]
Enikő,Kis [19]
Ralf,Kriehuber [20]
Jungil,Lee [21]
David,Lloyd [22]
Katalin,Lumniczky [1]
Fiona,Lyng [20]
Ellina,Macaeva [23]
Matthaeus,Majewski [24]
S,Vanda Martins [25]
Stephen W S,McKeever [2]
Aidan,Meade [3]
Dinesh,Medipally [26]
Roberta,Meschini [23]
Radhia,M'kacher [23]
Octávia Monteiro,Gil [15]
Alegria,Montero [16]
Mercedes,Moreno [3]
Mihaela,Noditi [27]
Ursula,Oestreicher [28]
Dominik,Oskamp [29]
Fabrizio,Palitti [30]
Valentina,Palma [21]
Gabriel,Pantelias [15]
Jerome,Pateux [31]
Clarice,Patrono [19]
Gaetano,Pepe [13]
Matthias,Port [31]
María Jesús,Prieto [15]
Maria Cristina,Quattrini [2]
Roel,Quintens [28]
Michelle,Ricoul [7]
Laurence,Roy [24]
Laure,Sabatier [16]
Natividad,Sebastià [5]
Sergey,Sholom [16]
Sylwester,Sommer [27]
Albena,Staynova [26]
Sonja,Strunz [9]
Georgia,Terzoudi [17]
Antonella,Testa [32]
Francois,Trompier [19]
Marco,Valente [31]
Olivier Van,Hoey [5]
Ivan,Veronese [13]
Andrzej,Wojcik [24]
Clemens,Woda [33]
a Public Health England Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards (PHE) , Chilton , UK.
b Bundeswehr Institute of Radiobiology (BIR) , Munich , Germany.
c Centro de Ciências e Tecnologias Nucleares, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST/ITN), Universidade de Lisboa, Bobadela-LRS , Portugal.
d Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) , Spain.
e Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN) , Paris , France.
f Bundeswehr Institute of Radiobiology affiliated to the University of Ulm (UULM) , Munich , Germany.
g Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) , Rome , Italy.
h Durham University (DUR) , Durham , UK.
i Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (INCT) , Warsaw , Poland.
j Department of Cell Biology , University of Sevilla (US) , Spain.
k Státní ústav radiační ochrany (SÚRO) , Prague , Czech Republic.
l Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University (LU) , Malmö , Sweden.
m Institut de Recherche Biomédicale des Armées (IRBA) , Paris , France.
n Salzburg University Department of Geography and Geology , Salzburg , Austria.
o Università degli Studi della Tuscia (UNITUS) , Italy.
p PROCyTOX, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives, Université Paris-Saclay (CEA) , Fontenay-aux-Roses , France.
q National Center of Radiobiology and Radiation Protection (NCRRP) , Bulgaria.
r Radiation Protection Centre (RPC) , Vilnius , Lithuania.
s Laboratory of Health Physics , Radiobiology & Cytogenetics Institute of Nuclear & Radiological Sciences & Technology, Energy & Safety National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos" (NCSRD) , Greece.
t National Public Health Centre - National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene (NRIRR) , Hungary.
u Radiation Biology Unit Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (FzJ) , Jülich , Germany.
v Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) , Daejeon , South Korea.
w Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) , Dublin , Ireland.
x Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK-CEN) , Mol , Belgium.
y Ghent University (GU) , Ghent , Belgium.
z Oklahoma State University (OSU) , Stillwater , USA.
aa Radiation Protection Service, IIS La Fe, Health Research Institute (LAFE) , Spain.
ab Laboratorio de Dosimetría Biológica , Servicio de Oncología Radioterápica, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón (SERMAS) , Spain.
ac Institutul National De Sanatate Publica (INSP) , Romania.
ad Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz (BfS) , Department Radiation Protection and Health , Neuherberg , Germany.
ae Laboratory of Biosafety and Risk Assessment Division of Health Protection Technologies (ENEA) Casaccia Research Center , Italy.
af Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN) , Dummerstorf , Germany.
ag Università degli Studi di Milano (UNIMI) , Milano , Italy.
ah Stockholm University (SU) , Stockholm , Sweden.
ai Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU) , Neuherberg , Germany.
生物学鉴定法(Biological Assay);救灾计划(Disaster Planning);欧盟(European Union);实验室(Laboratories);辐射监测(Radiation Monitoring);结果可重复性(Reproducibility of Results);回顾性研究(Retrospective Studies);安全管理(Safety Management);敏感性与特异性(Sensitivity and Specificity);系统综合(Systems Integration)
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International journal of radiation biology
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