Marios K,Georgakis [1]
Maria A,Karalexi [1]
Eleni I,Kalogirou [1]
Anton,Ryzhov [2]
Anna,Zborovskaya [3]
Nadya,Dimitrova [4]
Sultan,Eser [5]
Luis,Antunes [6]
Mario,Sekerija [7]
Tina,Zagar [8]
Joana,Bastos [9]
Domenic,Agius [10]
Margareta,Florea [11]
Daniela,Coza [12]
Evdoxia,Bouka [1]
Charis,Bourgioti [13]
Helen,Dana [14]
Emmanuel,Hatzipantelis [15]
Maria,Moschovi [16]
Savvas,Papadopoulos [17]
Georgios,Sfakianos [18]
Evgenia,Papakonstantinou [19]
Sophia,Polychronopoulou [20]
Spyros,Sgouros [21]
Kalliopi,Stefanaki [22]
Eftichia,Stiakaki [23]
Katerina,Strantzia [24]
Basilios,Zountsas [25]
Apostolos,Pourtsidis [26]
Eustratios,Patsouris [27]
Eleni Th,Petridou [28]
Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Mikras Asias 75, 11527, Athens, Greece.
National Cancer Registry of Ukraine, National Institute of Cancer, Lomonosova str 33/43, Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine.
Belarusian Research Center for Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology, Childhood Cancer Subregistry of Belarus, Lesnoe-2, 223040, Minsk, Belarus.
Bulgarian National Cancer Registry, National Oncology Hospital, 6 Plovdivsko Pole Street, 1756, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Izmir Cancer Registry, Izmir Hub, Izmir & Hacettepe University Institute of Public Health, Zubeyde Hanim Caddesi No: 100, Karsiyaka, 35067, Izmir, Turkey.
North Region Cancer Registry of Portugal (RORENO), Portuguese Oncology Institute of Porto, Rua António Bernardino da Almeida, 4200-072, Porto, Portugal.
Croatian National Cancer Registry, Croatian Institute of Public Health, Rockefellerova 7, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia.
Cancer Registry of Republic of Slovenia, Institute of Oncology, Zaloška cesta 2, 1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Central Region Cancer Registry of Portugal (ROR-Centro), Portuguese Oncology Institute of Coimbra, Av. Bissaya Barreto 98, 3000-075, Coimbra, Portugal.
Department of Health Information and Research, Malta National Cancer Registry, 95 Guardamangia Hill, Guardamangia, MSD 08, Malta.
Regional Cancer Registry of Iasi, National Institute of Public Health, 14 Victor Babes Street, 700465, Iasi, Romania.
Regional Cancer Registry of Cluj, Oncological Institute "Ion Chiricuta", Republicii Str no. 34-36, 400015, Cluj Napoca, Romania.
First Department of Radiology, Aretaieion Hospital, Medical School, University of Athens, Vasilissis Sofias Str. 76, 11528, Athens, Greece.
Oncology Department, "Mitera" Childrens Hospital, Erythrou Stavrou 15, 15123, Marousi, Athens, Greece.
Second Department of Pediatrics, AHEPA General Hospital, Aristotelion University of Thessaloniki, Kiriakidi 1, 54621, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Haematology-Oncology Unit, First Department of Pediatrics, Athens University Medical School, "Aghia Sophia" Children's Hospital, Thivon and Papadiamantopoulou, 11527, Athens, Greece.
Department of Pathology, Hygeia Hospital, Erythrou Stavrou 6, 15123, Marousi, Athens, Greece.
Department of Neurosurgery, "Aghia Sophia" Children's Hospital, Thivon and Papadiamantopoulou, 11527, Athens, Greece.
Department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Hippokration Hospital, Konstantinoupoleos 49, 54642, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Department of Pediatric Haematology-Oncology, "Aghia Sophia" Children's Hospital, Thivon and Papadiamantopoulou, 11527, Athens, Greece.
Department of Neurosurgery, "Mitera" Childrens Hospital, Erythrou Stavrou 15, 15123, Marousi, Athens, Greece.
Histopathology Department, "Aghia Sophia" Children's Hospital, Thivon and Papadiamantopoulou, 11527, Athens, Greece.
Department of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, University Hospital of Heraklion, University of Crete, Panepistimiou, 71500, Heraklion, Greece.
Histopathology Department, "Pan. & Agl. Kyriakou" Children's Hospital, Thivon 18, 11527, Athens, Greece.
Department of Neurosurgery, St. Luke's Hospital, Panorama, 55236, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Department of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, "Pan. & Agl. Kyriakou" Children's Hospital, Thivon 18, 11527, Athens, Greece.
Department of Pathology, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 75 Mikras Asias, 11527, Athens, Greece.
Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Mikras Asias 75, 11527, Athens, Greece. epetrid@med.uoa.gr.