C,Valencia [1]
H,Bah [2]
B,Fatoumata [3]
G,Rodier [4]
B,Diallo [5]
M,Koné [6]
C,Giese [7]
L,Conde [8]
E,Malano [9]
T,Mollet [10]
J,Jansa [11]
D,Coulombier [12]
B,Sudre [13]
European Programme for Interventional Epidemiology Training (EPIET), ECDC, Stockholm, Sweden; Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Belgium. Electronic address: cvalencia1987@gmail.com.
World Health Organization, Conakry, Guinea. Electronic address: habilbah1711@yahoo.fr.
World Health Organization, Conakry, Guinea. Electronic address: barris88@hotmail.fr.
World Health Organization, Conakry, Guinea. Electronic address: rodierg@who.int.
World Health Organization, Conakry, Guinea. Electronic address: dbiallo@who.int.
World Health Organization, Conakry, Guinea. Electronic address: mkone@who.int.
European Programme for Interventional Epidemiology Training (EPIET), ECDC, Stockholm, Sweden; Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Dublin, Ireland. Electronic address: coraliegiese@hotmail.com.
Department of Health, N'zérékoré Prefecture, Guinea. Electronic address: lilaluciec@yahoo.fr.
Ministry of Health, Guinea. Electronic address: malanoroland@gmail.com.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Stockholm, Sweden. Electronic address: thomas.mollet@ecdc.europa.eu.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Stockholm, Sweden. Electronic address: Josep.jansa@ecdc.europa.eu.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Stockholm, Sweden. Electronic address: denis.coulombier@ecdc.europa.eu.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Stockholm, Sweden. Electronic address: bertrand.sudre@ecdc.europa.eu.