Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, P.O. Box, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland. akina.shrestha@unibas.ch.
Akina,Shrestha [1]
Subodh,Sharma [2]
Jana,Gerold [3]
Séverine,Erismann [4]
Sanjay,Sagar [5]
Rajendra,Koju [6]
Christian,Schindler [7]
Peter,Odermatt [8]
Jürg,Utzinger [9]
Guéladio,Cissé [10]
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, P.O. Box, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland. akina.shrestha@unibas.ch.
University of Basel, Petersplatz 1, CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland. akina.shrestha@unibas.ch.
School of Medical Sciences, Kathmandu University, P.O. Box 11008, Dhulikhel, Nepal. akina.shrestha@unibas.ch.
Aquatic Ecology Centre, School of Science, Kathmandu University, P.O. Box 6250, Dhulikhel, Nepal. subodh.sharma@ku.edu.np.
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, P.O. Box, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland. jana.gerold@unibas.ch.
University of Basel, Petersplatz 1, CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland. jana.gerold@unibas.ch.
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, P.O. Box, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland. severine.erismann@unibas.ch.
University of Basel, Petersplatz 1, CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland. severine.erismann@unibas.ch.
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, P.O. Box, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland. sanjay.sagar@unibas.ch.
University of Basel, Petersplatz 1, CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland. sanjay.sagar@unibas.ch.
School of Medical Sciences, Kathmandu University, P.O. Box 11008, Dhulikhel, Nepal. rajendrakoju@gmail.com.
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, P.O. Box, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland. christian.schindler@unibas.ch.
University of Basel, Petersplatz 1, CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland. christian.schindler@unibas.ch.
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, P.O. Box, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland. peter.odermatt@unibas.ch.
University of Basel, Petersplatz 1, CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland. peter.odermatt@unibas.ch.
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, P.O. Box, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland. juerg.utzinger@unibas.ch.
University of Basel, Petersplatz 1, CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland. juerg.utzinger@unibas.ch.
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, P.O. Box, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland. gueladio.cisse@unibas.ch.
University of Basel, Petersplatz 1, CH-4001 Basel, Switzerland. gueladio.cisse@unibas.ch.