Department of Medicine, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Washington DC, USA.
Lakhmir S,Chawla [1]
Rinaldo,Bellomo [2]
Azra,Bihorac [3]
Stuart L,Goldstein [4]
Edward D,Siew [5]
Sean M,Bagshaw [6]
David,Bittleman [7]
Dinna,Cruz [8]
Zoltan,Endre [9]
Robert L,Fitzgerald [7]
Lui,Forni [10]
Sandra L,Kane-Gill [11]
Eric,Hoste [12]
Jay,Koyner [13]
Kathleen D,Liu [14]
Etienne,Macedo [8]
Ravindra,Mehta [8]
Patrick,Murray [15]
Mitra,Nadim [16]
Marlies,Ostermann [17]
Paul M,Palevsky [18]
Neesh,Pannu [19]
Mitchell,Rosner [6]
Ron,Wald [20]
Alexander,Zarbock [21]
Claudio,Ronco [22]
John A,Kellum [23]
Acute Disease Quality Initiative Workgroup 16. [24]
Department of Medicine, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Washington DC, USA.
Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre, Monash University, Australia.
Department of Medicine, University of Florida, USA.
Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, USA.
Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, USA.
Division of Critical Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Canada.
Department of Medicine, University of California San Diego, USA.
UCSD Medical Center, University of California San Diego, USA.
Department of Nephrology, Prince of Wales Hospital and Clinical School, University of New South Wales, Australia.
Surrey County Hospital, UK.
University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy, USA.
Intensive Care Unit, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent University, Belgium.
Department of Medicine, University of Chicago, USA.
Divisions of Nephrology and Critical Care, Departments of Medicine and Anesthesia, University of California, USA.
UCD Health Sciences Centre, University College Dublin, Ireland.
Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, USA.
Guy's &St Thomas' NHS Foundation Hospital, Department of Intensive Care, UK.
Renal Section, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, USA.
Renal-Electrolyte Division, University of Pittsburgh, USA.
Division of Nephrology, University of Virginia, USA.
Division of Nephrology, St. Michaels Hospital and the University of Toronto, Canada.
University Hospital Münster, Germany.
Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation, San Bortolo Hospital, International Renal Research Institute of Vicenza, Italy.
Center for Critical Care Nephrology, Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, USA.