a Orthopaedic Research Laboratory , Aarhus University Hospital , Denmark.
Casper B,Foldager [1]
Michael,Bendtsen [2]
Lise C,Berg [2]
Jan E,Brinchmann [3]
Mats,Brittberg [4]
Cody,Bunger [5]
Jose,Canseco [1]
Li,Chen [2]
Bjørn B,Christensen [6]
Pauline,Colombier [7]
Bent W,Deleuran [1]
James,Edwards [8]
Brian,Elmengaard [9]
Jack,Farr [10]
Birgitta,Gatenholm [2]
Andreas H,Gomoll [11]
James H,Hui [5]
Rune B,Jakobsen [12]
Natasja L,Joergensen [13]
Moustapha,Kassem [14]
Thomas,Koch [1]
Søren,Kold [7]
Michael R,Krogsgaard [15]
Henrik,Lauridsen [2]
Dang,Le [16]
Catherine,Le Visage [17]
Martin,Lind [1]
Jens V,Nygaard [8]
Morten L,Olesen [2]
Michael,Pedersen [18]
Martin,Rathcke [1]
James B,Richardson [17]
Sally,Roberts [16]
Jan H D,Rölfing [19]
Daisuke,Sakai [19]
Wei Seong,Toh [2]
Jill,Urban [20]
Myron,Spector [21]
a Orthopaedic Research Laboratory , Aarhus University Hospital , Denmark.
b Department of Orthopaedics , Aarhus University Hospital , Denmark.
c Department of Large Animal Science , University of Copenhagen , Denmark.
d Division of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine , University of Oslo , Norway.
e Department of Orthopaedics , Sahlgrenska University Hospital, University of Gothenburg , Sweden.
f Department of Orthopaedics , University of Pennsylvania , PN , USA.
g Molecular Endocrinology and Stem Cell Research Unit (KMEB), University of Southern Denmark , Denmark.
h INSERM UMRS U791, University of Nantes , France.
i Department of Biomedicine , Aarhus University and Department of Rheumatology, Aarhus University Hospital , Denmark.
j Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences (NDORMS) , University of Oxford , UK.
k Cartilage Restoration Center of Indiana , OrthoIndy , IN , USA.
l Cartilage Repair Center , Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School , Boston , MA , USA.
m Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine , National University of Singapore , Singapore.
n Department of Orthopaedics , Akershus University Hospital and Institute of Health and Society, University of Oslo , Norway.
o Department of Biomedical Sciences , University of Guelph , ON , Canada.
p Department of Orthopaedics , Copenhagen University Hospital , Bispebjerg , Denmark.
q Comparative Medicine Lab, Aarhus University , Denmark.
r Department of Engineering , Aarhus University , Denmark.
s Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, Keele University , Oswestry , UK.
t Department of Orthopaedics , Tokai University Hospital , Japan.
u Faculty of Dentistry , National University of Singapore , Singapore.
v Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics , University of Oxford , UK.
w Department of Orthopaedics , Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School and Tissue Engineering Labs, VA Boston Healthcare System , Boston , MA , USA.