Matt,Aldag [1]
Regina C,Armstrong [2]
Faris,Bandak [3]
Patrick S F,Bellgowan [4]
Timothy,Bentley [5]
Sean,Biggerstaff [6]
Katrina,Caravelli [1]
Joan,Cmarik [7]
Alicia,Crowder [8]
Thomas J,DeGraba [9]
Travis A,Dittmer [1]
Richard G,Ellenbogen [10]
Colin,Greene [11]
Raj K,Gupta [12]
Ramona,Hicks [13]
Stuart,Hoffman [14]
Robert C,Latta [15]
Michael J,Leggieri [12]
Donald,Marion [16]
Robert,Mazzoli [17]
Michael,McCrea [18]
John,O'Donnell [19]
Mark,Packer [20]
James B,Petro [21]
Todd E,Rasmussen [8]
Wendy,Sammons-Jackson [22]
Richard,Shoge [23]
Victoria,Tepe [20]
Ladd A,Tremaine [24]
James,Zheng [25]
1 Booz Allen Hamilton , McLean, Virginia.
2 Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences , Bethesda, Maryland.
3 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency , Arlington, Virginia.
4 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke , Bethesda, Maryland.
5 Office of Naval Research , Arlington, Virginia.
6 Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense , Health Affairs, Falls Church, Virginia.
7 Office of the Principal Assistant for Acquisition, United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command , Frederick, Maryland.
8 Combat Casualty Care Research Program , United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Fort Detrick, Maryland.
9 National Intrepid Center of Excellence , Bethesda, Maryland.
10 Departments of Neurological Surgery and Global Health Medicine, University of Washington , Seattle, Washington.
11 Joint Trauma Analysis and Prevention of Injuries in Combat Program, Frederick, Maryland.
12 Department of Defense Blast Injury Research Program Coordinating Office, United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command , Frederick, Maryland.
13 One Mind , Seattle, Washington.
14 Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, D.C.
15 United States Air Force, Dayton, Ohio.
16 Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center , Silver Spring, Maryland.
17 Vision Center of Excellence , Bethesda, Maryland.
18 Medical College of Wisconsin , Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
19 Marine Corps Systems Command, Quantico, Virginia.
20 Hearing Center of Excellence , Lackland, Texas.
21 Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering, Arlington, Virginia.
22 Office of the Principal Assistant for Research and Technology , United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Fort Detrick, Maryland.
23 Military Operational Medicine Research Program, United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command , Fort Detrick, Maryland.
24 Armed Forces Medical Examiner Systems , Dover, Delaware.
25 Program Executive Office Soldier , Fort Belvoir, Virginia.