Anthony D,Okely [1]
Davina,Ghersi [2]
Kylie D,Hesketh [3]
Rute,Santos [4]
Sarah P,Loughran [5]
Dylan P,Cliff [6]
Trevor,Shilton [7]
David,Grant [8]
Rachel A,Jones [9]
Rebecca M,Stanley [6]
Julie,Sherring [8]
Trina,Hinkley [10]
Stewart G,Trost [11]
Clare,McHugh [6]
Simon,Eckermann [8]
Karen,Thorpe [6]
Karen,Waters [8]
Timothy S,Olds [6]
Tracy,Mackey [3]
Rhonda,Livingstone [12]
Hayley,Christian [13]
Harriette,Carr [14]
Adam,Verrender [15]
João R,Pereira [16]
Zhiguang,Zhang [17]
Katherine L,Downing [18]
Mark S,Tremblay [19]
Early Start, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, 2522, Australia. tokely@uow.edu.au.
Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute, Wollongong, Australia. tokely@uow.edu.au.
Research Policy and Translation, National Health and Medical Research Council, Canberra, Australia.
National Health & Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Centre, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition, School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Deakin University, Geelong, Australia.
Early Start, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, 2522, Australia.
Faculty of Sport, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal.
Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute, Wollongong, Australia.
School of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia.
National Heart Foundation (WA), 334 Rokeby Road, Subiaco, Australia.
Population Health and Sport Division, Australian Government Department of Health, Canberra, Australia.
Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation at Queensland Centre for Children's Health Research, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.
Early Childhood Australia, Canberra, Australia.
Australian Health Services Research Institute, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia.
Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Children's Hospital Westmead and University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
Alliance for Research in Exercise Nutrition and Activity (ARENA), Sansom Institute, School of Health Sciences, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
NSW Department of Education, Sydney, Australia.
Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA), Sydney, Australia.
School of Population and Global Health and Telethon Kids Institute, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
New Zealand Ministry of Health, Wellington, New Zealand.
Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Ottawa, Canada.