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Veterans Health Administration's Physician Assistant Primary Care Residency: An Evaluation of the First 3 Years.

第一作者: David M,Latini
第一单位: David M. Latini, PhD, MSW, is the associate director of associated health education for the Office of Academic Affiliations at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Houston, Texas. D. Shawn Cole, DHA, MPAS, PA-C, is the national director of PA residency programs for the Asheville VA Medical Center at the Department of Veterans Affairs in Asheville, North Carolina. Denni Woodmansee, PA-C, is the national director of PA services for the Office of Patient Care Services at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC. R. Keith Bailey, MBBS, PA-C, is the residency director for the Salisbury VA Medical Center at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Salisbury, North Carolina. Krista Berner, PA-C, is the residency directory for the Milwaukee VA Medical Center at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Petar Breitinger, PA-C, is the residency director for the North Florida/Gainesville VA Medical Center at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Gainesville, Florida. Maurita Carrejo, MS, is the health systems specialist for the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Houston, Texas. Jason Domagalski, PA-C, is the residency director for the Sioux Falls VA Medical Center at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Lurie McAdow, PA-C, is the residency director for the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Houston, Texas. Shelia Palmer, MHA, MBA, PA-C, is the residency director for the Atlanta VA Medical Center at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Atlanta, Georgia. Jerry VanRuiswyk, MD, is the associate chief of staff for education for the Milwaukee VA Medical Center at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Debbie Hettler, OD, MPH, is the clinical director of associated health education for the Office of Academic Affiliations at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC. Kenneth R. Jones, PhD, is the director of associated health education for the Office of Academic Affiliations at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC. Karen Sanders, MD, is the deputy chief officer for the Office of Academic Affiliations at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC.
作者单位: David M. Latini, PhD, MSW, is the associate director of associated health education for the Office of Academic Affiliations at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Houston, Texas. D. Shawn Cole, DHA, MPAS, PA-C, is the national director of PA residency programs for the Asheville VA Medical Center at the Department of Veterans Affairs in Asheville, North Carolina. Denni Woodmansee, PA-C, is the national director of PA services for the Office of Patient Care Services at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC. R. Keith Bailey, MBBS, PA-C, is the residency director for the Salisbury VA Medical Center at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Salisbury, North Carolina. Krista Berner, PA-C, is the residency directory for the Milwaukee VA Medical Center at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Petar Breitinger, PA-C, is the residency director for the North Florida/Gainesville VA Medical Center at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Gainesville, Florida. Maurita Carrejo, MS, is the health systems specialist for the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Houston, Texas. Jason Domagalski, PA-C, is the residency director for the Sioux Falls VA Medical Center at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Lurie McAdow, PA-C, is the residency director for the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Houston, Texas. Shelia Palmer, MHA, MBA, PA-C, is the residency director for the Atlanta VA Medical Center at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Atlanta, Georgia. Jerry VanRuiswyk, MD, is the associate chief of staff for education for the Milwaukee VA Medical Center at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Debbie Hettler, OD, MPH, is the clinical director of associated health education for the Office of Academic Affiliations at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC. Kenneth R. Jones, PhD, is the director of associated health education for the Office of Academic Affiliations at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC. Karen Sanders, MD, is the deputy chief officer for the Office of Academic Affiliations at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC. [1]
DOI 10.1097/JPA.0000000000000230
PMID 30461588
发布时间 2019-05-28
  • 浏览6
The journal of physician assistant education : the official journal of the Physician Assistant Education Association


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