Simulating rewetting events in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: A global analysis of leached nutrients and organic matter.
Oleksandra,Shumilova [1]
Dominik,Zak [2]
Thibault,Datry [3]
Daniel,von Schiller [2]
Roland,Corti [4]
Arnaud,Foulquier [5]
Biel,Obrador [6]
Klement,Tockner [7]
Daniel C,Allan [6]
Florian,Altermatt [8]
María Isabel,Arce [9]
Shai,Arnon [1]
Damien,Banas [2]
Andy,Banegas-Medina [10]
Erin,Beller [11]
Melanie L,Blanchette [12]
Juan F,Blanco-Libreros [1]
Joanna,Blessing [13]
Iola Gonçalves,Boëchat [14]
Kate,Boersma [15]
Michael T,Bogan [16]
Núria,Bonada [17]
Nick R,Bond [18]
Kate,Brintrup [19]
Andreas,Bruder [20]
Ryan,Burrows [21]
Tommaso,Cancellario [22]
Stephanie M,Carlson [23]
Sophie,Cauvy-Fraunié [24]
Núria,Cid [25]
Michael,Danger [16]
Bianca,de Freitas Terra [26]
Anna Maria De,Girolamo [27]
Ruben,Del Campo [28]
Fiona,Dyer [29]
Arturo,Elosegi [6]
Emile,Faye [24]
Catherine,Febria [30]
Ricardo,Figueroa [31]
Brian,Four [32]
Mark O,Gessner [1]
Pierre,Gnohossou [33]
Rosa Gómez,Cerezo [34]
Lluís,Gomez-Gener [7]
Manuel A S,Graça [35]
Simone,Guareschi [36]
Björn,Gücker [37]
Jason L,Hwan [16]
Skhumbuzo,Kubheka [38]
Simone Daniela,Langhans [1]
Catherine,Leigh [39]
Chelsea J,Little [40]
Stefan,Lorenz [33]
Jonathan,Marshall [41]
Angus,McIntosh [42]
Clara,Mendoza-Lera [33]
Elisabeth Irmgard,Meyer [21]
Marko,Miliša [29]
Musa C,Mlambo [43]
Marcos,Moleón [44]
Peter,Negus [45]
Dev,Niyogi [27]
Athina,Papatheodoulou [46]
Isabel,Pardo [12]
Petr,Paril [47]
Vladimir,Pešić [48]
Pablo,Rodriguez-Lozano [20]
Robert J,Rolls [27]
Maria Mar,Sanchez-Montoya [36]
Ana,Savić [6]
Alisha,Steward [49]
Rachel,Stubbington [50]
Amina,Taleb [51]
Ross Vander,Vorste [52]
Nathan,Waltham [53]
Annamaria,Zoppini [20]
Christiane,Zarfl [54]
Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Berlin, Germany.
Institute of Biology, Freie Universität Berlin (FU), Berlin, Germany.
Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, Trento University, Trento, Italy.
Institute of Landscape Ecology and Site Evaluation, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany.
Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Silkeborg, Denmark.
IRSTEA, UR RIVERLY, Centre de Lyon-Villeurbanne, Villeurbanne Cedex, France.
Department of Plant Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain.
Laboratoire d'Écologie Alpine (LECA), UMR CNRS-UGA-USMB 5553, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France.
Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Biodiversity Research Institute (IRBIO), University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Vienna, Austria.
Department of Biology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma.
Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland.
Centre of Edaphology and Applied Biology of Segura (CEBAS-CSIC), Murcia, Spain.
Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research, The Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba, Israel.
Université de Lorraine - UR AFPA, Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy, France.
Faculty of Environmental Science and EULA-Chile Center, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile.
Department of Geography, University of California, Berkeley, California.
Mine Water and Environment Research Centre (MiWER), School of Science, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia.
Instituto de Biología (ELICE-RESTORES), Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.
Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Government, Brisbane, Qld, Australia.
Department of Geosciences, Federal University of São João del-Rei, São João del-Rei, Brazil.
Department of Biology, University of San Diego, San Diego, California.
School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.
Grup de Recerca Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management (FEHM), Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals, Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversitat (IRBio), Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
Centre for Freshwater Ecosystems, La Trobe University, Wodonga, Vic., Australia.
Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Bellinzona, Switzerland.
Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University, Nathan, Qld, Australia.
Department of Environmental Biology, Biodiversity Data Analytics and Environmental Quality Group, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain.
Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley, California.
LIEC, Université de Lorraine, Metz, France.
Centro de Ciências Agrárias e Biológicas, Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú, Sobral, Brazil.
Water Research Institute - National Research Council (IRSA-CNR), Montelibretti (Rome), Italy.
Department of Ecology and Hydrology, Regional Campus of International Excellence 'Campus Mare Nostrum' - University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain.
Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra, Bruce, Canberra ACT, Australia.
Centre International de Recherche en Agronomie pour le Développement, CIRAD, UPR HortSys, Montpellier, France.
School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research, University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada.
INRA, UAR 1275 DEPT EFPA, Centre de recherche de Nancy, Champenoux, France.
Department of Ecology, Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin), Berlin, Germany.
Faculté d'Agronomie, Département d'Aménagement et de Gestion des Ressources Naturelles, Université de Parakou, Parakou, Benin.
Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden.
MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.
Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.
Department of Zoology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change, Leioa, Spain.
ARC Centre of Excellence for Mathematical & Statistical Frontiers (ACEMS) and Institute for Future Environments, School of Mathematical Sciences, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Qld, Australia.
Department of Aquatic Ecology, Eawag, The Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Dübendorf, Switzerland.
Institute for Ecological Chemistry, Plant Analysis and Stored Product Protection, Julius-Kuehn-Institute, Berlin, Germany.
Department of Freshwater Conservation, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Bad Saarow, Germany.
Department of Limnology, Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, University of Münster, Germany.
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia.
Department of Freshwater Invertebrates, Albany Museum, Affiliated Research Institute of Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa.
Department of Zoology, University of Granada, Granada, Spain.
Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, Missouri.
Terra Cypria - The Cyprus Conservation Foundation, Limassol, Cyprus.
Departamento de Ecología y Biología Animal, Universidad de Vigo, Vigo, Spain.
Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
Department of Biology, University of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro.
School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia.
Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia.
School of Science and Technology, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK.
Laboratoire d'Écologie et Gestion des Ecosystèmes Naturels (LECGEN), University of Tlemcen, Tlemcen, Algeria.
TropWATER (Centre for Tropical Water and Aquatic Ecosystem Research), College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University, Townsville, Qld, Australia.
Center for Applied Geosciences, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany.
生物膜(Biofilms);生物利用度(Biological Availability);气候(Climate);气候变化(Climate Change);地质沉积物(Geologic Sediments);硝酸盐类(Nitrates);有机化学品(Organic Chemicals);植物叶(Plant Leaves);江河(Rivers)
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Global change biology
Global change biology
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