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Effects of blood pressure and lipid lowering on cognition: Results from the HOPE-3 study.

第一作者: Jackie,Bosch
第一单位: From the Population Health Research Institute (J.B., M. O., B.S., E.M.L., M.S., S.F.L., J.M.P., R.H., S.Y.) and Hamilton Health Sciences (J.B.), School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University, Ontario; Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et Pneumologie de Québec (G.D.), Université Laval, Québec; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (L.A.L.), St. Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Research Board Clinical Research Facility (M.O.), Department of Medicine, NUI Galway, Ireland; Instituto Cardiovascular de Rosario (R.D.), Argentina; Diabetes Research Centre (K.K.), University of Leicester; Department of Cardiovascular Sciences and the National Institute for Health Research (W.D.T.), Leicester Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit, Glenfield Hospital, University of Leicester, UK; College of Medicine (A.D.), University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines; Lady Davis Carmel Medical Center (B.S.L.), Ruth and Bruce Rappaport School of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa; Dante Pazzanese Institute of Cardiology (A.A.), São Paulo, Brazil; Department of Medical Sciences (C.H.), Cardiology, Uppsala Clinical Research Center, Uppsala University, Sweden; Semmelweis University (M.K.), Budapest, Hungary; Monash University (C.R.), Melbourne, Victoria; School of Public Health (C.M.R.), Curtin University, Perth, Australia; and Hatter Institute for Cardiovascular Research in Africa (K.S.), Department of Medicine, University of Cape Town, Soweto Cardiovascular Research Group, South Africa. boschj@mcmaster.ca.
作者单位: From the Population Health Research Institute (J.B., M. O., B.S., E.M.L., M.S., S.F.L., J.M.P., R.H., S.Y.) and Hamilton Health Sciences (J.B.), School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University, Ontario; Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et Pneumologie de Québec (G.D.), Université Laval, Québec; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (L.A.L.), St. Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Research Board Clinical Research Facility (M.O.), Department of Medicine, NUI Galway, Ireland; Instituto Cardiovascular de Rosario (R.D.), Argentina; Diabetes Research Centre (K.K.), University of Leicester; Department of Cardiovascular Sciences and the National Institute for Health Research (W.D.T.), Leicester Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit, Glenfield Hospital, University of Leicester, UK; College of Medicine (A.D.), University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines; Lady Davis Carmel Medical Center (B.S.L.), Ruth and Bruce Rappaport School of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa; Dante Pazzanese Institute of Cardiology (A.A.), São Paulo, Brazil; Department of Medical Sciences (C.H.), Cardiology, Uppsala Clinical Research Center, Uppsala University, Sweden; Semmelweis University (M.K.), Budapest, Hungary; Monash University (C.R.), Melbourne, Victoria; School of Public Health (C.M.R.), Curtin University, Perth, Australia; and Hatter Institute for Cardiovascular Research in Africa (K.S.), Department of Medicine, University of Cape Town, Soweto Cardiovascular Research Group, South Africa. boschj@mcmaster.ca. [1] From the Population Health Research Institute (J.B., M. O., B.S., E.M.L., M.S., S.F.L., J.M.P., R.H., S.Y.) and Hamilton Health Sciences (J.B.), School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University, Ontario; Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et Pneumologie de Québec (G.D.), Université Laval, Québec; Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (L.A.L.), St. Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Research Board Clinical Research Facility (M.O.), Department of Medicine, NUI Galway, Ireland; Instituto Cardiovascular de Rosario (R.D.), Argentina; Diabetes Research Centre (K.K.), University of Leicester; Department of Cardiovascular Sciences and the National Institute for Health Research (W.D.T.), Leicester Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Unit, Glenfield Hospital, University of Leicester, UK; College of Medicine (A.D.), University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines; Lady Davis Carmel Medical Center (B.S.L.), Ruth and Bruce Rappaport School of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa; Dante Pazzanese Institute of Cardiology (A.A.), São Paulo, Brazil; Department of Medical Sciences (C.H.), Cardiology, Uppsala Clinical Research Center, Uppsala University, Sweden; Semmelweis University (M.K.), Budapest, Hungary; Monash University (C.R.), Melbourne, Victoria; School of Public Health (C.M.R.), Curtin University, Perth, Australia; and Hatter Institute for Cardiovascular Research in Africa (K.S.), Department of Medicine, University of Cape Town, Soweto Cardiovascular Research Group, South Africa. [2]
DOI 10.1212/WNL.0000000000007174
PMID 30814321
发布时间 2024-08-18
  • 浏览18





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