Institute of Primary Care, University of Zurich, 8091 Zurich, Switzerland. beat.knechtle@hispeed.ch.
Division of Pulmonology, Department of Clinical Therapeutics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Medicine, Alexandra Hospital, 11528 Athens, Greece. nt_economou@yahoo.it.
Exercise Physiology Laboratory, 18450 Nikaia, Greece. pademil@hotmail.com.
Division of Pulmonology, Department of Clinical Therapeutics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Medicine, Alexandra Hospital, 11528 Athens, Greece. lemvele@gmail.com.
Division of Pulmonology, Department of Clinical Therapeutics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Medicine, Alexandra Hospital, 11528 Athens, Greece. kallianos.pulm@gmail.com.
Department of Pulmonology, Democritus University of Thrace Medical School, University Hospital of Alexandroupolis, 68100 Alexandroupolis, Greece. steiropoulos@yahoo.com.
Division of Pulmonology, Department of Clinical Therapeutics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Medicine, Alexandra Hospital, 11528 Athens, Greece. dkg348483@gmail.com.
Institute of Primary Care, University of Zurich, 8091 Zurich, Switzerland. thomas.rosemann@usz.ch.
Division of Pulmonology, Department of Clinical Therapeutics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Medicine, Alexandra Hospital, 11528 Athens, Greece. gtrakada@hotmail.com.