Elisabeth,Maurer [1]
Katja,Maschuw [2]
Alexander,Reuss [3]
Hans Udo,Zieren [4]
Andreas,Zielke [5]
Peter,Goretzki [6]
Dietmar,Simon [7]
Cornelia,Dotzenrath [8]
Thomas,Steinmüller [9]
Joachim,Jähne [10]
Matthias,Kemen [11]
Stephan,Coerper [12]
Ingo,Leister [13]
Christoph,Nies [14]
Mark,Hartel [15]
Andreas,Türler [16]
Katharina,Holzer [17]
Ayman,Agha [18]
Michael,Knoop [19]
Thomas,Musholt [20]
Benaz,Aminossadati [3]
Detlef K,Bartsch [1]
Department of Visceral, Thoracic, and Vascular Surgery, Philipps University, Marburg, Germany.
Department of General, Visceral, and Thoracic Surgery, Hospital Lippe, Lippe, Germany.
Coordinating Center for Clinical Trials-KKS, Philipps University Marburg, Germany.
Department of General and Visceral Surgery, St. Agatha Hospital Köln, Cologne, Germany.
Department of Endocrine Surgery, Katharinen Hospital, Stuttgart, Germany.
Department of Endocrine Surgery, Lukas Hospital, Neuss, Germany.
Department of general and Visceral Surgery, Bethesda Hospital, Duisburg, Germany.
Department of Endocrine Surgery, Helios University, Wuppertal, Germany.
Department of General and Visceral Surgery, DRK Hospital Berlin Westend, Berlin, Germany.
Department of General and Visceral Surgery, Hospital Diakovere Henriettenstift, Hannover, Germany.
Department of Visceral Surgery, Evangelisches Krankenhaus, Herne, Germany.
Department of General and Visceral Surgery, Hospital Martha-Maria, Nürnberg, Germany.
Department of Minimal-Invasive, Endocrine and Visceral Surgery, Hospital Berlin, Waldfriede, Germany.
Department of General and Visceral Surgery, Niels-Stensen-Kliniken Marien Hospital, Osnabrück, Germany.
Department of Surgery, Hospital Dortmund GmbH, Dortmund, Germany.
Department of General and Visceral Surgery, Johanniter Hospital, Bonn, Germany.
Department of General and Visceral Surgery, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Hospital, Frankfurt, Germany.
Department of General, Visceral and Endocrine Surgery, Hospital München Bogenhausen, München, Germany.
Department of General and Visceral Surgery, Hospital Frankfurt Oder, Frankfurt, Germany.
Section of Endocrine Surgery, Department of General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery, University Medical Center, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany.