Christelle,Penneçot [1]
Remi,Gagnayre ;
Christine,Ammirati ;
Éric,Bertin ;
Delphine,Capelle ;
Elisabeth,Cheraitia ;
Gilles,Chiniara ;
Valérie,David ;
Xavier,De La Tribonnière ;
Béatrice,Decelle ;
Philippe,Derambure ;
Maxime,Gignon ;
Catherine,Greffier ;
Olivia,Gross ;
Anne,Lalande ;
Patrick,Lartiguet ;
Claire,Letallec ;
Claude,Mahé ;
Yannette,Mero ;
Roland,Mohammed ;
Benoit,Pétré ;
Patricia,Picchiottino ;
Dominique,Pougheon-Bertrand ;
Thierry,Secheresse ;
Geneviève,Vaillant ;
Marie,Van der Schueren-Etévé ;
Jocelyne,Verdier ;
Dalila,Benhaberou-Brun ;
Marc,Bardou ;
From the University of Bourgogne-Franche Comté (C.P., M.B.), CHU Dijon Bourgogne, Institute of Nursing Education; CHU Dijon Bourgogne, CIC INSERM (C.P., D.B.-B., M.B.), Dijon; Health Education and Practices Laboratory (R.G., M.G., O.G., D.P.B., C.M.), EA 3412, University Paris 13 Sorbonne Paris Cité, Bobigny; Health Simulation Center SimUSanté (C.A., M.G.), CHU, Amiens; Robert Debré Hospital (E.B.), CHU, Reims; Transversal Unit of Patient Therapeutic Education (UTEP) (D.C., G.V.), CHU, University of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Dijon; Clinical Psychiatry Department (E.C.), Hospital of Novillars, Novillars, France; Pedagogy and Continuing Professional Development (G.C.), Laval University, Quebec City, Canada; Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Centre (V.D.), Mother and Child Hospital, Nantes; Transversal Unit of Therapeutic Patient Education (UTEP) (X.D.L.T.), CHU Montpellier; IREPS (Regional Body for Education and Health Promotion) Haute Normandie (B.D.), Rouen; INSERM U1171 (P.D.), Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, CHU Lille; CRP-CPO (M.G.), EA 7273, University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens; Transversal Unit of Patient Therapeutic Education (UTEP) (C.G.), CHU Nantes; French Hemophilia Association (AFH) (A.L.), Paris; Patients Knowledge, Institute for the Promotion of Patients and Caregivers Partners in Health of Occitanie (P.L.), Occitanie; Pediatric Diabetes, Pediatric Ward, CHU Toulouse (C.L.), Toulouse; CHEM - College of Advanced Studies in Medicine (C.M.), Brest; French Association of Diabetics (AFD 34) (R.M.), Hérault, France; Department of Public Health (B.P.), University of Liège, Liège, Belgium; Interprofessional Simulation Centre (P.P.), Geneva University of Health Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland; CEnSIM Healthcare Simulation Center (T.S.), Metropole Savoie Hospital, Chambéry; Laboratory of Research on Acquisition in Context (LaRAC) (T.S.), Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France; Patient Prevention and Education Center - Therapeutic Education Department (M.V.d.S.-E.), CH, Soissons, France; Center of Expertise in Therapeutic Patient Education in Lorraine (J.V.), CHR of Metz-Thionville, Metz, France; University of Bourgogne-Franche Comté (M.B.), UFR Sciences Santé, Dijon, France; and (Y.M.) is not affiliated with any institution.