Chiara,Airoldi [1]
Daniela,Ferrante [1]
Lucia,Miligi [2]
Sara,Piro [2]
Giorgia,Stoppa [2]
Enrica,Migliore [3]
Elisabetta,Chellini [4]
Antonio,Romanelli [5]
Carlo,Sciacchitano [6]
Carolina,Mensi [7]
Domenica,Cavone [8]
Elisa,Romeo [9]
Stefania,Massari [10]
Alessandro,Marinaccio [10]
Corrado,Magnani [1]
Unit of Medical Statistics and Cancer Epidemiology, Department of Translational Medicine, University of Eastern Piedmont, Novara, CPO-Piedmont, 28100 Novara, Italy.
Tuscany Regional Operating Centre of Low Etiological Fraction Occupational Cancer, Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch, Cancer Risk Factors and Lifestyle Epidemiology Unit, Institute for Cancer Research, Prevention and Clinical Network (ISPRO), 50141 Florence, Italy.
Piedmont Regional Operations Center of the National Mesothelioma Registry, Unit of Cancer Epidemiology, CPO-Piedmont and University of Turin, 10126 Turin, Italy.
Tuscan Occupational Cancer Registry and Tuscan Mesothelioma Registry, Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch, Cancer Risk Factors and Lifestyle Epidemiology Unit, Institute for Cancer Research, Prevention and Clinical Network (ISPRO), 50141 Florence, Italy.
Emilia-Romagna Regional Operations Center of the National Mesothelioma Registry, 42122 Reggio Emilia, Italy.
Cancer Registry of the Provinces Catania-Enna-Messina-Siracusa, University of Catania, 95123 Catania, Italy.
Lombardy Regional Operations Center of the National Mesothelioma Registry, Occupational Medicine Unit Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, 20122 Milan, Italy.
Apulian Regional Operations Center of the National Mesothelioma Registry, School of Medicine, Interdisciplinary Department of Medicine (DIM), Ramazzini Occupational Medicine Section, "Policlinico" University Hospital, University of Bari "A. Moro", 70124 Bari, Italy.
Lazio Regional Operations Center of the National Mesothelioma Registry, Department of Epidemiology, Lazio Regional Health Service, 00147 Rome, Italy.
Italian Workers' Compensation Authority (INAIL), Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Epidemiology and Hygiene, 00143 Rome, Italy.
Interdepartmental Centre G. Scansetti for Studies on Asbestos and other Toxic Particulates, University of Turin, 10125 Turin, Italy.