Francesco,Benvegnù [1]
Sébastien,Richard [2]
Gaultier,Marnat [3]
Romain,Bourcier [4]
Julien,Labreuche [5]
Mohammad,Anadani [6]
Igor,Sibon [7]
Cyril,Dargazanli [8]
Caroline,Arquizan [9]
René,Anxionnat [10]
Gérard,Audibert [11]
François,Zhu [12]
Mikaël,Mazighi [13]
Raphaël,Blanc [11]
Bertrand,Lapergue [14]
Arturo,Consoli [14]
Benjamin,Gory [15]
ETIS Registry Investigators [16]
University of Padova, Italy (F.B.).
Department of Neurology, Stroke Unit, Université de Lorraine, CHRU-Nancy, F-54000 Nancy, France (S.R.).
INSERM U1116, CHRU-Nancy, F-54000 Nancy, France (S.R.).
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, University Hospital of Bordeaux, France (G.M.).
Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Neuroradiology, University Hospital of Nantes, L'institut du thorax, INSERM 1087, CNRS, UNIV Nantes, France (R.B.).
University Lille, CHU Lille, EA 2694, Santé Publique: épidémiologie et Qualité des Soins, France (J.L.).
Department of Neurology, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO (M.A.).
Department of Neurology, Stroke Center, University Hospital of Bordeaux, France (I.S.).
Department of Interventional Neuroradiology, CHRU Gui de Chauliac, Montpellier, France (C.D.).
Department of Neurology, CHRU Gui de Chauliac, Montpellier, France (C.A.).
Université de Lorraine, CHRU-Nancy, Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Neuroradiology, F-54000 Nancy, France (R.A., F.Z., B.G.).
Université de Lorraine, IADI, INSERM U1254, F-54000 Nancy, France (R.A., B.G.).
Université de Lorraine, CHRU-Nancy, Department of Anesthesiology and Surgical Intensive Care, F-54000 Nancy, France (G.A.).
Department of Interventional Neuroradiology, Rothschild Foundation, Paris, France (M.M., R.B.).
Department of Neurology, Foch Hospital, Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines University, Suresnes, France (B.L.).
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, Foch Hospital, Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines University, Suresnes, France (A.C.).