Loukman,Omarjee [1]
Pierre-Jean,Mention [2]
Anne,Janin [3]
Gilles,Kauffenstein [4]
Estelle Le,Pabic [5]
Olivier,Meilhac [6]
Simon,Blanchard [7]
Nastassia,Navasiolava [8]
Georges,Leftheriotis [9]
Olivier,Couturier [10]
Pascale,Jeannin [6]
Franck,Lacoeuille [11]
Ludovic,Martin [12]
Vascular Medicine Department, French National Health and Medical Research (Inserm), Clinical Investigation Center (CIC) 1414, University of Rennes 1, 35033 Rennes, France.
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum (PXE) Clinical and Research Vascular Center, CHU Rennes, 35033 Rennes, France.
NuMeCan Institute, Exogenous and Endogenous Stress and Pathological Responses in Hepato-Gastrointestinal Diseases (EXPRES) team, French national health and medical research (Inserm) U1241, University of Rennes 1, 35033 Rennes, France.
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Angers University Hospital, 49100 Angers, France.
Sorbonne University Paris Nord, INSERM, U942, Cardiovascular Markers in Stressed Conditions, MASCOT, F- 93000 Bobigny, France.
MitoVasc Institute Mixed Research Unit: National Centre for Scientific Research, CNRS 6015, French National Health and Medical Research, Inserm U1083, Angers University, 49100 Angers, France.
CHU Rennes, French National Health and Medical Research (Inserm), Clinical Investigation Center (CIC) 1414, 35000 Rennes, France.
University of Reunion Island, INSERM, UMR 1188 Reunion, Indian Ocean diabetic atherothrombosis therapies (DéTROI), CHU de La Réunion, 97400 Saint-Denis de La Réunion, France.
Regional Center for Research in Cancerology and Immunology Nantes / Angers, CRCINA, Angers University, 49100 Angers, France.
Immunology and Allergology Department, CHU Angers, Angers University, 49100 Angers, France.
PXE Reference Center (MAGEC Nord), University Hospital of Angers, 49100 Angers, France.
Physiology and Vascular Investigation Department, CHU Nice, 06000 Nice, France.
GLIAD Team (Design and Application of Innovative Local Treatments in Glioblastoma), INSERM UMR 1232, CRCINA, CEDEX 9, 49933 Angers, France.