From Stroke Theme, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health (J.B., K.B., J.M.C., H.M.D., F.E., C.B.), and Department of Medicine Austin Health (L.C.), University of Melbourne, Heidelberg; NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Stroke Rehabilitation and Brain Recovery (J.B., K.B., L.C., G.A.D.); Stroke and Ageing Research, Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (A.G.T.), Eastern Health Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (H.M.D.), CCRE Therapeutics (C.M.R.), Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (J.H.F.), and Peninsula Health & Peninsula Clinical School (V.S.), Monash University, Melbourne, Australia; Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences (P.L.), University of Glasgow, UK; Nursing Research Institute (S.M.), St Vincent's Health Australia, Sydney and Australian Catholic University, Darlinghurst; Westmead Clinical School (R.I.L.), University of Sydney, Australia;Stroke Trials Unit, Division of Clinical Neuroscience (P.B.), University of Nottingham; Stroke, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (P.B.), Nottingham, UK; Physiotherapy (C.M.S.), University of Melbourne, Parkville; Physiotherapy (C.M.S.), Western Health, St Albans; School of Sciences (L.C.), RMIT University, Melbourne; Eastern Health Clinical School (C.B.), Monash University, Box Hill; School of Public Health (C.M.R.), Curtin University, Perth; Alfred Hospital (J.H.F.), Melbourne; Faculty of Medicine (S.J.R.), The University of Queensland, Herston; and University of Melbourne (G.A.D.), Melbourne Brain Centre, Parkville, Australia. julie.bernhardt@florey.edu.au.
Julie,Bernhardt [1]
Karen,Borschmann [2]
Janice M,Collier [2]
Amanda G,Thrift [2]
Peter,Langhorne [2]
Sandy,Middleton [2]
Richard I,Lindley [2]
Helen M,Dewey [2]
Philip,Bath [2]
Catherine M,Said [2]
Leonid,Churilov [2]
Fiona,Ellery [2]
Christopher,Bladin [2]
Christopher M,Reid [2]
Judith H,Frayne [2]
Velandai,Srikanth [2]
Stephen J,Read [2]
Geoffrey A,Donnan [2]
AVERT Trialists Collaboration Group
From Stroke Theme, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health (J.B., K.B., J.M.C., H.M.D., F.E., C.B.), and Department of Medicine Austin Health (L.C.), University of Melbourne, Heidelberg; NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Stroke Rehabilitation and Brain Recovery (J.B., K.B., L.C., G.A.D.); Stroke and Ageing Research, Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (A.G.T.), Eastern Health Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (H.M.D.), CCRE Therapeutics (C.M.R.), Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (J.H.F.), and Peninsula Health & Peninsula Clinical School (V.S.), Monash University, Melbourne, Australia; Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences (P.L.), University of Glasgow, UK; Nursing Research Institute (S.M.), St Vincent's Health Australia, Sydney and Australian Catholic University, Darlinghurst; Westmead Clinical School (R.I.L.), University of Sydney, Australia;Stroke Trials Unit, Division of Clinical Neuroscience (P.B.), University of Nottingham; Stroke, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (P.B.), Nottingham, UK; Physiotherapy (C.M.S.), University of Melbourne, Parkville; Physiotherapy (C.M.S.), Western Health, St Albans; School of Sciences (L.C.), RMIT University, Melbourne; Eastern Health Clinical School (C.B.), Monash University, Box Hill; School of Public Health (C.M.R.), Curtin University, Perth; Alfred Hospital (J.H.F.), Melbourne; Faculty of Medicine (S.J.R.), The University of Queensland, Herston; and University of Melbourne (G.A.D.), Melbourne Brain Centre, Parkville, Australia. julie.bernhardt@florey.edu.au.
From Stroke Theme, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health (J.B., K.B., J.M.C., H.M.D., F.E., C.B.), and Department of Medicine Austin Health (L.C.), University of Melbourne, Heidelberg; NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Stroke Rehabilitation and Brain Recovery (J.B., K.B., L.C., G.A.D.); Stroke and Ageing Research, Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health (A.G.T.), Eastern Health Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (H.M.D.), CCRE Therapeutics (C.M.R.), Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (J.H.F.), and Peninsula Health & Peninsula Clinical School (V.S.), Monash University, Melbourne, Australia; Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences (P.L.), University of Glasgow, UK; Nursing Research Institute (S.M.), St Vincent's Health Australia, Sydney and Australian Catholic University, Darlinghurst; Westmead Clinical School (R.I.L.), University of Sydney, Australia;Stroke Trials Unit, Division of Clinical Neuroscience (P.B.), University of Nottingham; Stroke, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (P.B.), Nottingham, UK; Physiotherapy (C.M.S.), University of Melbourne, Parkville; Physiotherapy (C.M.S.), Western Health, St Albans; School of Sciences (L.C.), RMIT University, Melbourne; Eastern Health Clinical School (C.B.), Monash University, Box Hill; School of Public Health (C.M.R.), Curtin University, Perth; Alfred Hospital (J.H.F.), Melbourne; Faculty of Medicine (S.J.R.), The University of Queensland, Herston; and University of Melbourne (G.A.D.), Melbourne Brain Centre, Parkville, Australia.