Kerry L,Howell [1]
Ana,Hilário [2]
A Louise,Allcock [3]
David,Bailey [4]
Maria,Baker [5]
Malcolm R,Clark [6]
Ana,Colaço [7]
Jon,Copley [5]
Erik E,Cordes [8]
Roberto,Danovaro [9]
Awantha,Dissanayake [10]
Elva,Escobar [11]
Patricia,Esquete [12]
Austin J,Gallagher [2]
Andrew R,Gates [13]
Sylvie M,Gaudron [14]
Christopher R,German [15]
Kristina M,Gjerde [16]
Nicholas D,Higgs [17]
Nadine,Le Bris [18]
Lisa A,Levin [19]
Elisabetta,Manea [20]
Craig,McClain [21]
Lenaick,Menot [22]
Nelia C,Mestre [23]
Anna,Metaxas [24]
Rosanna,Milligan [25]
Agnes W N,Muthumbi [26]
Bhavani E,Narayanaswamy [27]
Sofia P,Ramalho [28]
Eva,Ramirez-Llodra [29]
Laura M,Robson [2]
Alex D,Rogers [30]
Javier,Sellanes [31]
Julia D,Sigwart [32]
Kerry,Sink [31]
Paul V R,Snelgrove [33]
Paris V,Stefanoudis [34]
Paulo Y,Sumida [35]
Michelle L,Taylor [36]
Andrew R,Thurber [37]
Rui,Vieira [38]
Hiromi K,Watanabe [39]
Lucy C,Woodall [40]
Joana R,Xavier [41]
School of Biological and Marine Sciences, Plymouth University, Plymouth, UK. Kerry.howell@plymouth.ac.uk.
CESAM & Biology Department, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal.
Ryan Institute and School of Natural Sciences, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland.
Institute for Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK.
School of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Southampton Waterfront Campus, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK.
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand.
Instituto do Mar, and Instituto de Investigação em Ciências do Mar - Okeanos da Universidade dos Açores, Horta, Portugal.
Department of Biology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy.
Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples, Italy.
University of Gibraltar, Gibraltar, Gibraltar.
Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología Universidad, Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad Universitaria, México, México.
Beneath the Waves, Herndon, VA, USA.
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK.
UMR 8187 Laboratoire d'Océanologie et de Géosciences, Université de Lille, ULCO, CNRS, Lille, France.
Sorbonne Université, UFR 927, Paris, France.
Department of Geology & Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, USA.
IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Cape Eleuthera Institute, Rock Sound, Eleuthera, Bahamas.
Sorbonne University, Banyuls Oceanological Observatory, Paris, France.
Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA.
Institute of Marine Sciences, National Research Council, ISMAR-CNR, Venice, Italy.
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, Chauvin, LA, USA.
Ifremer, Plouzané, France.
CIMA - Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal.
Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography, Nova Southeastern University, Dania Beach, FL, USA.
School of Biological Sciences, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya.
The Scottish Association for Marine Science, Oban, UK.
Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo, Norway.
REV Ocean, Lysaker, Norway.
The Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough, UK.
Department of Marine Biology & Millennium Nucleus ESMOI, Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile.
Senckenberg Research Institute, Frankfurt, Germany.
Centre for Biodiversity Conservation, South African National Biodiversity Institute, Kirstenbosch, Newlands, South Africa.
Department of Ocean Sciences and Biology Department, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
Nekton Foundation, Begbroke, UK.
Instituto Oceanográfico, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
School of Life Science, University of Essex, Colchester, UK.
College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences and Department of Microbiology, College of Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA.
Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science, Lowestoft Laboratory, Lowestoft, Suffolk, UK.
X-STAR, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Yokosuka, Japan.
Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), University of Porto, Matosinhos, Portugal.
Department of Biological Sciences and K.G. Jebsen Centre for Deep-Sea Research, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.
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