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Nationwide surveillance of bacterial pathogens isolated from children conducted by the surveillance committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy, the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases, and the Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology in 2017: General overview of pathogenic antimicrobial susceptibility.

第一作者: Naruhiko,Ishiwada
第一单位: Pediatric Sub-committee and the Surveillance Committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy (JSC), The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID), The Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology (JSCM), Tokyo, Japan; Department of Infectious Diseases, Medical Mycology Research Center, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan. Electronic address: ishiwada@faculty.chiba-u.jp.
作者单位: Pediatric Sub-committee and the Surveillance Committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy (JSC), The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID), The Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology (JSCM), Tokyo, Japan; Department of Infectious Diseases, Medical Mycology Research Center, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan. Electronic address: ishiwada@faculty.chiba-u.jp. [1] The Surveillance Committee of JSC, JAID, and JSCM, Tokyo, Japan; Fujifilm Toyama Chemical Co., Ltd, Japan. [2] The Surveillance Committee of JSC, JAID, and JSCM, Tokyo, Japan. [3] Infection Control Research Center, The Omura Satoshi Memorial Institution, Kitasato University, Tokyo, Japan. [4] Pediatric Sub-committee and the Surveillance Committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy (JSC), The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID), The Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology (JSCM), Tokyo, Japan; Department of Pediatrics, Tohoku Rosai Hospital, Miyagi, Japan. [5] Pediatric Sub-committee and the Surveillance Committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy (JSC), The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID), The Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology (JSCM), Tokyo, Japan; Department of Pediatrics, Infection and Allergy, Tochigi Medical Center, Tochigi, Japan. [6] Pediatric Sub-committee and the Surveillance Committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy (JSC), The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID), The Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology (JSCM), Tokyo, Japan; Division of Infections Diseases, Chiba Children's Hospital, Chiba, Japan. [7] Pediatric Sub-committee and the Surveillance Committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy (JSC), The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID), The Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology (JSCM), Tokyo, Japan; Sotobo Children's Clinic, Chiba, Japan. [8] Pediatric Sub-committee and the Surveillance Committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy (JSC), The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID), The Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology (JSCM), Tokyo, Japan; Department of Infection Diseases, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan. [9] Pediatric Sub-committee and the Surveillance Committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy (JSC), The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID), The Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology (JSCM), Tokyo, Japan; Department of Pediatrics, Hakujikai Memorial Hospital, Tokyo, Japan. [10] Pediatric Sub-committee and the Surveillance Committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy (JSC), The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID), The Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology (JSCM), Tokyo, Japan; Division of Infections Diseases, Tokyo Metropolitan Children's Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan. [11] Pediatric Sub-committee and the Surveillance Committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy (JSC), The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID), The Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology (JSCM), Tokyo, Japan; Department of Pediatrics, Yokohama Rosai Hospital, Kanagawa, Japan. [12] Pediatric Sub-committee and the Surveillance Committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy (JSC), The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID), The Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology (JSCM), Tokyo, Japan; Department of Pediatrics, Kawasaki Municipal Hospital, Kanagawa, Japan. [13] Pediatric Sub-committee and the Surveillance Committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy (JSC), The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID), The Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology (JSCM), Tokyo, Japan; Department of Pediatrics, Osaka Rosai Hospital, Osaka, Japan. [14] Pediatric Sub-committee and the Surveillance Committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy (JSC), The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID), The Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology (JSCM), Tokyo, Japan; Department of Pediatrics, Kawasaki Medical School Hospital, Okayama, Japan. [15] Pediatric Sub-committee and the Surveillance Committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy (JSC), The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID), The Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology (JSCM), Tokyo, Japan; Department of Pediatrics, Hiroshima City Funairi Citizens Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan. [16] Pediatric Sub-committee and the Surveillance Committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy (JSC), The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID), The Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology (JSCM), Tokyo, Japan; Department of Pediatrics, Shikoku Medical Center for Children and Adults, Kagawa, Japan. [17] Pediatric Sub-committee and the Surveillance Committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy (JSC), The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID), The Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology (JSCM), Tokyo, Japan; Department of General Pediatrics and Interdisciplinary Medicine, Fukuoka Children's Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan. [18] Pediatric Sub-committee and the Surveillance Committee of Japanese Society of Chemotherapy (JSC), The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases (JAID), The Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology (JSCM), Tokyo, Japan; Department of Pediatrics, Kurume University Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan. [19]
DOI 10.1016/j.jiac.2020.11.020
PMID 33277177
发布时间 2021-06-24
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Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy


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