Robert A. Pritzker Center for Meteoritics and Polar Studies Negaunee Integrative Research Center The Field Museum of Natural History 1400 South Lake Shore Drive Chicago Illinois 60605 USA.
Philipp R,Heck [1]
Jennika,Greer [2]
Joseph S,Boesenberg [1]
Audrey,Bouvier [2]
Marc W,Caffee [3]
William S,Cassata [4]
Catherine,Corrigan [5]
Andrew M,Davis [6]
Donald W,Davis [7]
Marc,Fries [8]
Mike,Hankey [9]
Peter,Jenniskens [1]
Philippe,Schmitt-Kopplin [2]
Shannon,Sheu [10]
Reto,Trappitsch [11]
Michael,Velbel [12]
Brandon,Weller [13]
Kees,Welten [14]
Qing-Zhu,Yin [15]
Matthew E,Sanborn [16]
Karen,Ziegler [2]
Douglas,Rowland [8]
Kenneth L,Verosub [9]
Qin,Zhou [17]
Yu,Liu [18]
Guoqiang,Tang [19]
Qiuli,Li [20]
Xianhua,Li [20]
Zoltan,Zajacz [21]
Robert A. Pritzker Center for Meteoritics and Polar Studies Negaunee Integrative Research Center The Field Museum of Natural History 1400 South Lake Shore Drive Chicago Illinois 60605 USA.
Chicago Center for Cosmochemistry and Department of the Geophysical Sciences The University of Chicago 5734 South Ellis Avenue Chicago Illinois 60637-1433 USA.
Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences Brown University 324 Brook Street Box 1846 Providence Rhode Islands 02912 USA.
Bayerisches Geoinstitut Universität Bayreuth Universitätsstraße 30 95447 Bayreuth Germany.
Department of Earth Sciences University of Western Ontario BGS 1026, 1151 Richmond Street London Ontario N6A 5B7 Canada.
Department of Physics and Astronomy Purdue University West Lafayette Indiana 47906 USA.
Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Purdue University West Lafayette Indiana 47906 USA.
Nuclear and Chemical Sciences Division Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 7000 East Avenue (L-235) Livermore California 94550 USA.
Department of Mineral Sciences National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution 10th St and Constitution Ave, NW Washington District of Columbia USA.
Enrico Fermi Institute The University of Chicago 5734 South Ellis Avenue Chicago Illinois 60637-1433 USA.
Department of Earth Sciences University of Toronto 22 Russell St Toronto Ontario M5S 3B1 Canada.
Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Division NASA Johnson Space Center Mail Code XI2 Building 31 Houston Texas USA.
American Meteor Society 54 Westview Crescent Geneseo New York 14454 USA.
SETI Institute 189 Bernardo Avenue Mountain View California 94043 USA.
NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field California 94035 USA.
Helmholtz Zentrum München Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt (GmbH), Ingolstädter Landstr. 1 85764 Neuherberg Germany.
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Michigan State University 288 Farm Lane, 207 Natural Sciences Building East Lansing Michigan 48824 USA.
Albany Medical College 43 New Scotland Ave Albany New York 12208 USA.
Space Sciences Laboratory University of California 7 Gauss Way Berkeley California 94720-7450 USA.
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences University of California at Davis One Shields Avenue Davis California 95616 USA.
Institute of Meteoritics University of New Mexico 221 Yale Blvd NE, 313 Northrop Hall Albuquerque New Mexico 87131 USA.
Center for Molecular and Genomic Imaging University of California at Davis Davis California 95616 USA.
National Astronomical Observatories Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100012 China.
State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution Institute of Geology and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100029 China.