Melissa M,Coughlin [1]
Zachary,Matson [2]
Sun B,Sowers [2]
Jeffrey W,Priest [3]
Gaby P,Smits [4]
Fiona R M,van der Klis [4]
Alexandria,Mitchell [2]
Carole J,Hickman [2]
Heather M,Scobie [5]
James L,Goodson [6]
James P,Alexander [6]
Paul A,Rota [2]
Bettina,Bankamp [2]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Division of Viral Diseases, Viral Vaccine Preventable Diseases Branch, Atlanta, Georgia, USA mcoughlin@cdc.gov.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Division of Viral Diseases, Viral Vaccine Preventable Diseases Branch, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Division of Food, Waterborne, and Environmental Diseases, Waterborne Disease Prevention Branch, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Laboratory for Infectious Diseases and Screening, National Institute for Public Health and Environment, Bilthoven, The Netherlands.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Center for Global Health, Global Immunization Division, Strategic Information and Work Development Branch, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Center for Global Health, Global Immunization Division, Accelerated Disease Control and Vaccine Preventable Disease (VPD) Surveillance Branch, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.